• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Funny, strange and disturbing Club Tortimer Stories

I had a girl immediately demand money from me the moment I showed up on the island, and I immediately went home w/o responding.

I've also met some very rude people, including one who told me to %#@^ off upon arrival, and another who asked "why aren't you going home" barely a second after making an island purchase.
These are all really interesting xD

I've only gone once, luckily I had a nice experience - just a couple people wanting to go on tours with me, we tried to see who could do everything faster. (They usually won, pfff)
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I typically don't go on CT but after reading these, I thought I'd give it a shot...
So I get to the island and I'm doing some fishing when someone arrives. He says hi and I say hi back and then he says 'You look nice' so right then I was considering leaving but I didn't. So, I calmly just kept fishing and then out of the blue he goes; "GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS?" Waits a few seconds, "ERROR TIME!" Then disconnects.

I just want the CT only items :(
I met someone today who speaks spanish, and because I am also a native spanish speaker I had a mini convo with them. :) Because I was in a good mood I went to the ATM , asked if they wanted money, They said yes of course and I gave them 99,000 bells. :) She then said thank you and I left. :) Nice girl, that one.
It's so unfair I rarely meet anyone who wants to do tours or talk. They usually are just island hopping or don't talk to me because they're trying to harvest beetles.

1. I met two very nice people. I could tell they were not children. Sadly, a red headed child entered and started exclaiming she was rich. "I have guards around me!" "My parents buy me ponies all the time!" Quite annoying. Someone flicked the Wi-Fi and that was that.

2. I met a girl that I just adored. She was very friendly and funny. We swapped tumblr things but to be honest, I don't use tumblr at all. I wish I could meet her again.

3. I met another girl who I went on tours with for maybe 20 minutes. Then she said I passed some sort of test and she gave me a toy hammer. Pretty nice but strange at the same time.

4. I was in Hawaii at the time during a hurricane and I met a nice girl in a kimono and she talked about how she loves space and all things space and space things. I wanted to go on a tour with her but she said she wouldn't go on tours that weren't to space.

5. I met a group of 3 who said I was the final puzzle. We went on a ton of tours but eventually connection lost during one of them. Too bad.
I don't understand why people can't act civil on CT, just because we don't know you irl doesn't mean you can be a jerk
I don't understand why people can't act civil on CT, just because we don't know you irl doesn't mean you can be a jerk

Annoying <12 year old brats am I right

Let's see...
- First time going on to Club Tortimer, a 12 year old girl called me an old hag and started to disrespect people older than her, saying that she was fat, and she wanted to die
- I was island hopping and got two of the striped wetsuit and began to wear one. This other guy started saying that I "looked pretty" in the wetsuit and started saying "Mmmm". ಠ_ಠ
- I wanted to try and be friendly, so I dropped a 99k bag for someone. They were suspicious of me and said that they didn't want it. I told them that it's for free, but she wouldn't accept. I guess she was afraid that it was duped?
I've only been a few times since I didn't have a membership until recently, and I haven't had any bad experiences yet. The closest I can think of is when me and two other people were trying to do a tour, and one of them was wearing a crown. Some guy comes in and starts begging her to let him try it on and says he promises he'll give it back, won't listen when she keeps telling him no, and wouldn't stop until the rest of us just left him for a tour.
"hate" CT to be honest (mostly kids there or weirdo's or both :) :) )
only go to see what is in the shop and couldn't be on the boat home fast enough

Yes...How come all these seemingly normal people on this thread go to Club Tortimer all the time but once you get there everyone seems so strange? Perhaps we all seem strange to others, lol. And, btw, it's nice of you to take the boat home! I usually just walk in to shop and hop the boat home myself. And there's rarely more than one person there or just arriving as I depart.
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Yes...How come all these seemingly normal people on this thread go to Club Tortimer all the time but once you get there everyone seems so strange? Perhaps we all seem strange to others, lol. And, btw, it's nice of you to take the boat home! I usually just walk in to shop and hop the boat home myself. And there's rarely more than one person there or just arriving as I depart.

Seriously? Every time I'm at ct, there's always 2 or more people. Sometimes, if I wait long enough, I end up on an island with 4 people.
Well, I guess this one is more of me being a wiener to this girl.
I dont go to the island, because I completely forgot it existed until yesterday. My 11 year old cousin came over and went to an international island. I grabbed her 3DS bc Im a big bully and started to catch some fish and bugs. The girl on the island kept following me and throwing her fishing line right next to mine, when I was trying to catch fish. It became so frequent that I said "Really...?" She said ":D LOL!" then proceeded to show me like 16 sea bass' she had caught... I ignored her and went to go fish. She ran up to me and made the fish swim away, and she said "LOL" again. I gave the 3DS back to my cousin. My cousin said "How old are you?" and the girl said "Yaaa!!!"
The girl on the island then gave my cousin her phone number and my cousin responded with "You're a lil *****." I lol'd and the girl said "Hehe :D"
Okay so, one time, I went to the island and I ended up on one with this Japanese boy. I decided, since there's nothing good, I'd go collect the yellow flowers and catch bugs. This is where it gets weird; he starts a tour, and I sit down, but he never sits down and proceeds to say something in Japanese. I ask him, "<Are we going on the tour?>" and then he writes random letters, like "znjnjdhjwhjdewhjcencdscds" and continues with this, never sitting down and running around the island. It continued for, like, 3 minutes until I got frustrated and flipped the switch.
This made me shake my head, and offered a few good laughs for my friends.

I came out of the Island's shop to find someone already there, here's how the conversation went, while I was quietly fishing.

Him: *You
Me: Me?
Him: I hate you! (he was chopping at me with his axe)
Me: Okay, why?
Him: Cuz!
Me: Fair enough *shrugs*
Him: How old are you? (he was following me wherever I went)
Me: What does that have to do with it?
Him: I'm 66
Me: Sure you are...
Him: Can I have some bells?
Me: Nope
Him: Than leave!
Me: Nope
Him: Die!

Then he proceeded to leave....
I dressed up as a jester with a gold rose in my teeth and went to the island. Once there I burried a pitfall and planted the gold rose in front of it to hide the spot and act as bait. Is this an obnoxious troll move, or a lighthearted prank? I think it's an ok prank since someone gets a gold rose out of it but when it comes to Club Tortimer this could be the straw that broke the camels back if someone was having a bad day, any thoughts? Personally I think the pitfall is fairly unexpected since you can't bring foreign items from the mainland but I have a supply of them in my island storage basket from the balloon hunt tour so I think it would be a bit of a surprise.
Whoa, you had a lot of funny moments. xD

Iv'e only been on Club TT once so I don't have any stories. The guy that was on with me just said hi to me to which I replied. Then we both walked around the island quietly to catch beetles, fish and dive. Pretty boring and normal. xD