• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Funny, strange and disturbing Club Tortimer Stories

I decided to join the international island for the first time in a while and I ended up joining what I assume was a party of people who all knew each other. They all ganged up on me and started begging for bells, stating that I must have some to give if I could afford a crown. I began speaking French to confuse them, and then they were threatening me? I was laughing really hard, because with threatens to hack me, it was starting to tell me how desperate these kids were. It was incredible.
I decided to join the international island for the first time in a while and I ended up joining what I assume was a party of people who all knew each other. They all ganged up on me and started begging for bells, stating that I must have some to give if I could afford a crown. I began speaking French to confuse them, and then they were threatening me? I was laughing really hard, because with threatens to hack me, it was starting to tell me how desperate these kids were. It was incredible.
Heh that's funny. I should speak in Chinese Pinyin the next time someone begs from me at the island.
Also, a girl trapped me on the island once, but I had no idea that's what she was doing lol I didn't know people did that stuff on purpose, I just thought she was going to go to a tour and went afk or something.
I just waited and waited and waited, and she ended up saying I suck and left herself. At the time I was confused as ****, and thought I did something wrong.
This made me laugh so much. I think your the first person I have ever read not to get that at the time, drive that kids nuts, and not on purpose.

4. I was in Hawaii at the time during a hurricane and I met a nice girl in a kimono and she talked about how she loves space and all things space and space things. I wanted to go on a tour with her but she said she wouldn't go on tours that weren't to space.
LOL what!

Annoying <12 year old brats am I right

Let's see...
- First time going on to , a 12 year old girl called me an old hag and started to disrespect people older than her, saying that she was fat, and she wanted to die
- I was island hopping and got two of the striped wetsuit and began to wear one. This other guy started saying that I "looked pretty" in the wetsuit and started saying "Mmmm". ಠ_ಠ
- I wanted to try and be friendly, so I dropped a 99k bag for someone. They were suspicious of me and said that they didn't want it. I told them that it's for free, but she wouldn't accept. I guess she was afraid that it was duped?
This makes me happy that our Club Tortimer, region New Zealand is always pretty much empty.....I've never met a single person on that island.
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ok so i brought CT just to test it out in my old town...

(this was in my own country btw)

when i arrived there where loads of people there on the island and they said hi, and welcome that kind of stuff...

we did this strange fashion show, which i won.. (woo)

there were 2 boys and 2 girls (including me)

then one of the boys kept yelling, "I FANCY SOMEONE HERE!!!"

i was like: i bet he is going to say me as i would about his age

annnnd he did... he ran up to me and yelled: "I FANCY HAZEL! HAZEL WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?"

i flipped the switch because.. it kinda made my freak out a bit... o.o

edit: reason why it kinda freaked me out was when i normal go to CT in my own country no one shows up .-.
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ok so i brought CT just to test it out in my old town...

(this was in my own country btw)

when i arrived there where loads of people there on the island and they said hi, and welcome that kind of stuff...

we did this strange fashion show, which i won.. (woo)

there were 2 boys and 2 girls (including me)

then one of the boys kept yelling, "I FANCY SOMEONE HERE!!!"

i was like: i bet he is going to say me as i would about his age

annnnd he did... he ran up to me and yelled: "I FANCY HAZEL! HAZEL WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?"

i flipped the switch because.. it kinda made my freak out a bit... o.o

edit: reason why it kinda freaked me out was when i normal go to CT in my own country no one shows up .-.

wow .-.
what special items? :eek:

There are island items (the ones you buy with medals) that you can obly get through Club Tortimer. I keep forgetting to go there to check!
Lol I don't have club tortimer yet but it's making me nervous that I'll get trapped or hit on... XD
This is why I'm scared of going on club Tortimer, I wouldn't even be able to switch off since I've got a new 3Ds
One time I was playing and there was an 11 year old boy I was playing with. He told me all of his personal information, his full name, where he lived, and what school he went to. He then was trying to ask me all of the same things (which I refused to do). He then followed me around the island and asked a new question every time I tried to walk away. By trying to get me to do this, he told me more and more about himself. By the time I finished, I knew this kids name, town, school, best friends, annoying kids at his school, least favorite teachers, hobbies, family members, and neighbors. I don't know it any more, obviously I don't care about any of that stuff any way lol.
I've met a lot of quirky people on CT, such as:

A Japanese girl who asked me if I ever had sex despite me telling her I was 11 (I was that age at the time).
A kid who told me his uncle and dog died, and that he needed bells for their funeral. I asked him how he would pay for a real life funeral with virtual money and he proceeded to tell me that Nintendo agreed to him that they would give him a hundred thousand dollars for every one million bells he gave them. He continuously begged me to donate to his cause and even said I'd get a $50 eShop card if I did so. I flipped the switch.
A girl who was suicidal.
A boy who told me I was hot and asked me to marry him.
A guy who gave me 99k for no reason.
Another guy who gave me about a million bells for no reason. We proceeded to have a conversation and the wifi cut in the middle of it. I have no idea wether he did it on purpose or not.
A boy who followed me around, scaring away bugs and hitting me with a net while just saying "money." I told him that he could get his beloved money by catching the bugs instead of scaring them away, but he didn't listen.
A girl who kept screaming at me to give her bells, using "I'm ___ years old and older then you! so you have to listen to me!!!1!1!11!" as an excuse (And she kept changing her age, and I doubt she gave me a correct one as she acted like she was very young) and I kept telling her that age doesn't matter when it comes to begging for virtual money. She also misspelled a lot of words, and would say an insult followed by "BOOM, GO CRY TO YOUR MOMMY" as if her words had hurt my feelings. Eventually I got fed up of her stupidly and locked the island, then gave her the bells. When she realized that she couldn't leave the island and save, I flipped the switch. Remeber kids: beggars never win.
Omg these stories are hilarious and kinda disturbing feeling pretty happy w/ my decision to save my medals on furniture instead of the club tortimer thing now lol
i just remember these 2 guys at the island that were there before me. I could tell they were pretty young by the way they acted but there was this guy who couldn't figure out something with the badges he won and the other boy started calling him a dumb*** and i guess he was like literally attracted to my virtual character because he kept spamming the heart emote in my face while like trying to impress me by calling the other guy who was the new to game like stupid, dumb, that he should know this, and then he proceeds to tell me that I'm a hottie and would not stop following me as i try to get away from him but then the two boys both go AFK so I take my chances and I leave.

Then another one, I arrive on the island yet again, another boy is there and he says "Hey Hottie, how old are you?" and then I try to leave and talk to Leilani, without responding. He keeps his pockets open without letting me leave, of course, so I have no choice but to flick the switch. :) I'm not letting myself get trapped there by some guy who is literally calling my virtual AC character "Hot". like ok

what is with my character and boys thinking it's hot help me

I actually feel like going on CT again to post more weird stories, I haven't gone on there and found anybody weird recently but probably because I only went one time last night and found a nice boy who didnt speak at all and i just grinded tours with him. It was nice even if neither of us spoke. x3
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Lol I don't have club tortimer yet but it's making me nervous that I'll get trapped or hit on... XD

Ugh I got hit on (not on club tortimer tho) and I was so confused, like dude you don't even know what I look like???? What if I'm a 50 yr old lady????
Haha! all these stories are so weird! I always make sure I play with ppl from my own country (Australia) and I never meet ppl like that, most of them are really kind :p
I got a doozy of a story. Gather round, kiddies.

One time I was the island with a few people, one of them being a boy who really, REALLY wanted someone to give him a butt load of bells. He continued to say "Hack me bells" or "Can you hack me plz" and stuff along the lines of that. The other villager and I didn't know how to hack, but he continued anyway. It was starting to get on my nerves.
Minutes later, someone arrived on the island. He told us to come outside, and then started dropping bags of 99,000 bells everywhere. Apparently he had given himself all the money via hacks and was giving them away. The one boy, of course, grabbed as many as he could, so did the other villager, but I resisted the urge. I wanted to be legit. After all, at this point, I was only a month in and had already saved up a million bells.
Even after this ironic turn of events, the one boy still wasn't satisfied. He continued to ask Mr. Hacker to give him infinite bells, but he remained silent. At one point or another, he left, and I gave a mental sigh. Later I asked why the hacker didn't hack him, and he replied that it had a high chance of crashing the boy's game and deleting his data.
I stayed on the island for some time, fascinated by this hacker character. As villagers came and went, he continually gifted them with millions of bells. At one point, the temptation was too strong. We had a conversation that went something like this;
"You sure it's okay for me to take them?"
"And you have enough for yourself?"
"Yes, I've upgraded my house to the max and everything"
And I took some bells.
4 million bells and a LOT of thank yous later, I finally left. I do remember one thing he said before I left;
"The thing I like about girls is they're always so polite."