Selling furniture for [1TBT] or [10 for 5tbt] , clothes for [10 for 5tbt]

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Hello again! Hoping to order 20 more things for 10 tbt:
- Diner neon clock (yellow)
-drum set (pearl white)
-elephant slide (white)
-floating biotope planter (artistic)
-camping stove (green)
-freezer (beige)
-garbage bin (brown)
-humidifier (pink)
-imperial dining lantern (blue)
-mini fridge (wood grain)

-pop-up toaster (light blue)
-portable record player (black)
-record box (pink)
-rock guitar (fire red)
-rocket lamp (torquoise)
-shaded floor lamp (green)
-study desk (light brown)
-treadmill (red)
-wall mounted tool board (camel)

hopefully it's all still available :)
Not sure if this got missed?
Thank you so much!! :)
I don't have a green camping stove, but I did have a green camping cot that you might be getting it mixed up with? I had a green camping cot, blue camp stove, and brown camp stove, which I sold to you a few days ago. Is there anything else you want instead?
I don't have a green camping stove, but I did have a green camping cot that you might be getting it mixed up with? I had a green camping cot, blue camp stove, and brown camp stove, which I sold to you a few days ago. Is there anything else you want instead?
lol yes! Please ignore that, I do need the green camp stove, I just got mixed up checking my lists 🤦‍♀️

Edit: and no, nothing else instead! Just the 19 items for 10 tbt would be great. Thank you!
Edit: and no, nothing else instead! Just the 19 items for 10 tbt would be great. Thank you!
I just got a white neon diner clock from a balloon so I'll throw that in 😊 you should be able to see the dodo code now, and as always feel free to shop before heading home. thanks for ordering again!
Hi there, can I order the following 10 things for 5 tbt for tomorrow/Saturday?
-Anthurium plant (brown)
-Cypress plant (yellow)
-Floating-biotope planter (artistic)
-Lecture-hall bench (dark brown)
-Macrame tapestry (pink)
-Painting set (yellow)
-Sewing machine (white)
-Sewing project - what color is this? (I'm needing black or blue :)
-Tapestry (blue)
-TV camera (white)
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Hi there, can I order the following 10 things for 5 tbt for tomorrow/Saturday?
-Anthurium plant (brown)
-Cypress plant (yellow)
-Floating-biotope planter (artistic)
-Lecture-hall bench (dark brown)
-Macrame tapestry (pink)
-Painting set (yellow)
-Sewing machine (white)
-Sewing project - what color is this? (I'm needing black or blue :)
-Tapestry (blue)
-TV camera (white)
absolutely! I'll put them on hold for you, just let me know when you want to do the trade and I'll open up my gates 😊

edit: and the sewing project is blue!
I wasn't expecting you to still be online! I'm actually available now if you are. :)
I have terrible sleep habits so I shouldn't be online but here I am 🙈 I'll go grab your items! do you prefer picking them up on my island or dropping them off to yours?
Closing for the night. Please continue to post your orders here, those items will be reserved for you and I'll get them to you tomorrow 😊
butterflies wall, ancient wall, black crown wall, blue flower print wall, aqua tile flooring, arched brick flooring, black wooden deck rug, brown floral flooring, blue mosaic tile flooring, and argyle tile flooring for 20 TBT? 🥺💗

lmk if pricing is good? :0
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