Mafia [GAME THREAD] Karen Mafia (Endgame - Mafia Wins)

I wouldn't be that obvious if I was mafia.

Regarding the sudden change in an Antonio Lynch, I'm down for it but against it aswell. My Town flip should give you the amount of sus needed for your Lynch because this push is definitely mafia motivated.

Finally, as I stated before, if we vote off someone that isn't inactive then that leaves 2 people dead and one replaced. If we vote off an inactive, that only leads to one person dead and one person replaced.

The more people we have alive, the better. I'm sticking with my vote on Evan whether yall are on board or not as it's the most logical with limited information.

i am telling you now that even if you were to lynch for inactivity, out of all of them evan has the best shot of being town
this is literally just voting to kill town
im not digging this wagon lol i think antonio is just impulsive from what i remember in our short mafia encounter.
That’s possible. Guess I’m unfamiliar with his play style so his behavior struck me as odd.
I wouldn't be that obvious if I was mafia
That's the logic that let scum!Ness coast by last game, I don't think people should get to coast by it, you included. My gut says to town lean you for it since maf would do something like that but yeah I'm wary
i am telling you now that even if you were to lynch for inactivity, out of all of them evan has the best shot of being town
this is literally just voting to kill town
Their lack of behavior is anti-town, no matter the alignment. Most likely mog would be replaced in any scenario as the most active one usually is.
im for no elim until we get the inactive slot figure out. would vote dedenne as a totally random choice to try and hit maf.
i think i prefer a dedenne lynch over antonio but i'm pretty sure both of these wagons are town
antonio we are having a talk after this game if you legit think this. Or obs chat will. Ffs

I really hate how fast that counter wagon formed.