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Games You Regret Buying

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Fantasy Life. I was so hyped for it when they announced it, loaded my eshop wallet to buy it day one. Bought it the second it came out, played it for a little while and then stopped. Recently came back to it and I can't force myself to play it anymore. It's just too boring now.

I wish Nintendo would let you do a 1-time only eShop refund, because so far this is the only game I ever regret buying. And I have a LOT of games.

Honestly, this too. I was super excited to play it and after about two hours I stopped.
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts I was so excited for a third that I didn't even think twice about getting it

I've never been so disapointed in my LIFE about a video game jesus it was so awful

LOL I tried so hard to enjoy this game but I had the same exact reaction. Bought it as soon as it came out and was just amazed at how flipping horrible it was. In the end the only reason I kept playing was because me and a friend would play on multiplayer and make penis airplanes/rockets.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Its so hard, I can't even get past the 1st boss!
Gears of War Triple Pack, Sphinx, the first Persona game for PSP (it's boring as hell), Dead Rising, Resident Evil 4
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
Like, wtf what that ****?
Urgh, yeah. I wish the games were back in Insomniac's hands... And what was up with the framerate? I got a bit of motion sickness while charging because of how much it chugged.
Wonderful 101. It looked really good and the part of the demo that I played was fun (I stopped after the train part since I felt I had seen enough, saving the rest for when I bought it). It was kind of disappointing though and I haven't really touched it since I bought it.

Monster Hunter 3 3DS. It's not a bad game, just kind of pointless when I have the Wii U version. I used to use it when I went to my friends house but the amount of times I actually did that was so few that it wasn't really worth it.
The only reason I still own it really is his logic of "in the future when Wii U internet gets turned off, we can still play it multiplayer" which is true I guess, despite how likely it is that we will actually play it.

Smash 4, both versions.
- The 3DS version is just pointless. Pretty much Brawl maps and a few rubbish game modes. Not worth the CD and free Mewtwo, I would rather have just bought Mewtwo when it's made available...Actually, my friend was going to get two codes anyway so he would have just given me one since he feels the same and doesn't use the 3DS one anymore.
- The Wii U version just doesn't feel that great. Again, rubbish game modes. The online is really laggy as well and it's the only game I have that lags so much (making me feel like it's not my issue). The worst part being that when I do get into one of these online slideshows, I get punished for quitting with a timeout, so I have to sit through the whole thing hoping the other guy quits (they usually don't).

Dead Rising 1 and 2.
Really looked forward to the first one since it was essentially 'Dawn of the Dead: The Game' (despite the box trying to pretend it wasn't). The timer ruined it though and the controls were complete arse. Frank West also ran like a crippled ape which was just an eyesore.
I hoped the second game would fix some of the issues but it really didn't. At least the character didn't moce like he had severe arthritis though.

Final Fantasy XIII trilogy. It's less that I regret buying them and more that I regret them existing entirely.
The only reason I still own them is because it would feel odd if my collection was just missing the XIII games from the main series. If I didn't suffer from 'collector syndrome' I would have sold them and probably wouldn't have bought XIII-2 or XIII-3 at all.

LOL I tried so hard to enjoy this game but I had the same exact reaction. Bought it as soon as it came out and was just amazed at how flipping horrible it was. In the end the only reason I kept playing was because me and a friend would play on multiplayer and make penis airplanes/rockets.

The law of the universe states that if you play a game where you can create stuff, you must create a penis shaped thing at least once.

God has spoken.
Super Mario 3D World, I just don't seem to be able to get into it. I forced myself to go through the first world, thinking it might get a bit more interesting. Compared to previous Mario games I've played, it just seems a bit bland... Admittedly though, I got it free when I registered my 3DS on Club Nintendo, so maybe I don't value it as much, and might've forced myself to finish it if I'd bought it, but eh.

Actually, also Killing Floor. It's not bad as a shooter I guess, but the fact that every time you finish a game, everything goes back to being pretty much the same as it was before you started really quite bugs me. Sure, you can level up and get achievements, but it feels quite pointless really. I'd love it if there was like statistics or something, just something that makes you see what you've done, I did play 20 hours though, so I guess I did get my money's worth.
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Actually, also Killing Floor. It's not bad as a shooter I guess, but the fact that every time you finish a game, everything goes back to being pretty much the same as it was before you started really quite bugs me. Sure, you can level up and get achievements, but it feels quite pointless really. I'd love it if there was like statistics or something, just something that makes you see what you've done, I did play 20 hours though, so I guess I did get my money's worth.

I don't get what you mean by everything going back the same as it was before you started.

I kind of regret buying it because it's a buggy mess with tons of problems that the devs obviously never fixed...But me and friends have spent so much time playing it recently...It's essentially a guilty pleasure at this point because I really don't feel good about liking it.

I got the pack with pretty much everything in for like ?2 as well...It's hard to regret spending ?2...
tomodachi life, some $4 scribblenauts game and nintendogs

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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
Like, wtf what that ****?

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat that game is so amazing i remember playing it so much when i was younger,
I don't get what you mean by everything going back the same as it was before you started.

I kind of regret buying it because it's a buggy mess with tons of problems that the devs obviously never fixed...But me and friends have spent so much time playing it recently...It's essentially a guilty pleasure at this point because I really don't feel good about liking it.

I got the pack with pretty much everything in for like ?2 as well...It's hard to regret spending ?2...

Like I said, there are no statistics recorded besides achievements, so when you finish a match you go back to being the same as before you started. I see Killing Floor 2 comes out in early access later this month, so perhaps they'll have fixed that then, although unless they've improved it a lot I can't really see myself buying it at least until it goes 75% off or gets bundled.

Metroid Prime Hunters?

That wasn't a remake. Also not a great game, though I got it free so I can't complain.

I actually pretty enjoyed Prime Hunters, although it is the only Metroid game I've ever played, and it was mainly the multiplayer that I played on there, so maybe I'm a bit biased.
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sims 3 for me hated it so i ended up selling it and went back to playing sims 2 ^_^

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I was thinking about buying tomodachi life, what did you dislike about it?
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