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Games You Regret Buying

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Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes. I didn't realize it was what it was. And while the Download Play aspect is fun, there's the problem of only being able to play solo or with three people total. I have one friend that I'd like to play it with. It bothers me it's literally one player OR three player. No in-between for people like me with one friend.
MySims on the PC and Alice: Madness Returns. I refunded MySims because it was just so bad and Alice: Madness Returns doesn't really work on my laptop, but its an okay game. Just wish I had returned it. Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning (I think its called, the game mechanics made me want to die, having to build a town from scratch is just annoying. There's no real plot to it, the bachelors (from playing as a female character) are boring, even worse you have to SPEND IN-GAME MONEY AND RESOURCES to go through their rubbish story lines. Wasn't worth ?30
cant think of any game i regret as much as dead island riptide
never did i hate something with zombies so much. its just overally a bad game to me and i only played a part of it cuz i like trophies.
also have kingdom hearts and final fantasy XIII. im not saying they are bad but i feel like im too old for kingdom hearts and i dont understand the plot of either games and the controls in FFXIII were bad.
was also disappointed by mortal kombat which ive been wanting to play for ages :/
Mario and Sonic at the Rio Games.

So, so, SO disappointing. They added some characters I liked.. but whoops, you can only use them for one event! Online play was gone.. c'mon, really?! Sochi had online and it was a great time!
pokken tournament, I expected it to have controls similar to smash and boy was I wrong. also the game is too expensive for what it offers
I regret buying monster hunters 4 ultimate. I wanted to try something new and it's just not my style. Even the easiest monsters are hard to kill for me and it frustrates me. Also kind of regret buying tomodachi life as its really repetitive.
Pokk?n Tournament. Huge Pok?mon fan here - this game is ass.

Oh, ok. Glad to know I didn't miss out on anything important. though if they created a decidueye fighter I'd still buy it instantly regardless of anything else lol
Twilight Princess HD.
The reason is that I kinda prefer playing WWHD more. :p
I could've bought this later in time. :l
Pokemon Platinum. I was hoping that my negative feelings about the game (4th Gen in general that wasn't a remake) was just colored by poor gameplay on a laptop that had no business running DS games... turns out... I just don't like this game. The Pok?mon are all either bland or overall poorly designed. Half the Dex were unnecessary evolutions, legendaries... None of the towns stand out in any unique way. The routes were all meandering where it took me hours to get from one side of Sinnoh mountain to the other... Some typings were outright neglected... It goes without saying that I don't understand for the life of me how anyone could call 4th Gen the best in the series overall.
I'm not going to lie; I adore Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I love it with a passion. To me, it is the best SSB game there is. I would marry it.

I was so excited for SSb4 (for 3DS, as I did not have a Wii U at the time). I only babysat on occasion, and when I did babysit it was only five (USD) dollars an hour. The game was roughly 40 dollars, so that's 8 hours of babysitting. Which is a L O T of babysitting with the kids I had to watch WHEW MAN.

So SSB4 comes out, I use 40 of my remaining 50 dollars to get it because I loved SSB that much....

I hated it. I can't pinpoint exactly why I don't like it, but I just... did not like it. I used it literally three times. I tried giving it to my brother but it wouldn't let him use it on a different DS. So I wasted 40 stupid dollars, which is a lot to me!

I ended up buying a Wii U that had Splatoon and SSB4 pre-downloaded on it, and I tried that SSB4. Wasn't as bad, but still not great enough to play either. Brother liked it though. But that was much less of a waste. The Wii U was only 300 dollars brand new and came with two games so I couldn't complain.
Here we go...

? Bioshock Infinite After playing the others in the series, this one... Ugh. Don't buy games on release.
? The Sims 4 Again, I was spoiled by earlier games in the series. TS4 is terribly dull compared to the others.
? Pok?mon Y This was such a dull game. Note: I didn't buy Black/White (thank god).
? Dark Souls 3 But only because I could have got DS1 instead.
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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. Such a bland, uninspired game. Played it for two hours last night before deciding I had wasted money on it.
I didn't buy Terraria but I wished it for Christmas and then was gifted it but I feel so bad they wasted their money on it. It isn't bad but I'd just rather play Minecraft. I think it's better.

It sucks cause I can't gift it to anyone else so it's such a waste. ;w;
Why Steam why.
Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. I heard that it was a great RPG, with compelling characters and a well-written story. I played it for a bit less than an hour before it sickened me to the point where I had to put it down. Luke was an intolerable brat with an annoying voice and I wanted to punch him in the face every time he opened his stupid, arrogant mouth. Tear was a HUGE b****, and even after the first motel scene (which is not easy to skip because THEY LITERALLY TELL YOU TO VIEW IT WHY DIDN'T THEY WRITE THE PLOT WITH THAT SCENE IN MIND AAAAAGH) she treated Luke like he was ********... Maybe he is, maybe that's how he acts, but you KNOW he has amnesia and you KNOW that's why he keeps that diary! Stop acting like he has to know EVERYTHING you do! He's just a sheltered little amnesiac noble brat! You can't expect him to be SMART!
So I eventually took it to the used game store with some other crap and all in all I got $51 for the whole lot.
Oh man, Sleeping Dogs is such a great game but the people in charge don't give a **** anymore. They made a censored version in my region that 1) literally didn't censor anything and 2) made the version incompatible with any DLC. I don't regret buying it, it's fantastic, but it'll always be incomplete on my Steam account. /:

The only game I regret buying was BattleBlock Theater. It was the first time I ever heard about something like a ~Steam Sale~ and I thought buying it was a once in a lifetime opportunity lmao. I really hate the game and only found out about refunds way too late. Everytime a wishlist game of mine goes on sale I'll curse BBT for taking that money away from me in advance. xD
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