choosing an xbox one over a ps4 was easily the biggest mistake of my life omg I should've listened when ppl told me to get a ps4
people probably won't agree with this but I kinda regret fallout 4??? I just couldn't get into it and I hate the controls they're so awkward. also, at the start of the game when you come out of the pod on two occasions now the game glitches and prevented me from thawing out so I had to remake my character twice?? it was really frustrating
I didn't buy this but I asked for the evil within for Christmas because I saw part of a playthrough of it and was really intruiged and thought it looked really good but when I got it I hadn't considered the fact i'm massive coward?? playing a scary game yourself is VERY different to watching someone else play it so it's been four months and I still haven't played it past the opening scene :/
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oh wait you know what the worst game is???? harvest moon magical melody!! I got it as a gift and I'd never heard of the harvest moon series before, I got into it because I was like 8 but once I got older I realised how boring it is???? you can only be male, you can't be anything but straight, once you have a baby it's so boring I feel like they could've expanded it so much more- sunshine islands was much better!!
also tomodatchi life omg what a waste of money