gamestop probability of finding acnl/acww


Jan 14, 2018
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so like... what do u guys assume are the chances of finding acww or acnl at gamestop in a european country?? i just want to get games without having to order them online, and gamestop is pretty much the only gaming oriented shop i know where i live. i just wanna know if my chances are worth driving 1 hour for in public transport in the middle of a pandemic lol.
or by comparison, how common is it to find these games in american gamestops (from personal experience)?
i honestly cannot speak for europe, but i doubt the games they offer are greatly different from america's selection so i'll give it a shot. they probably will have a copy of new leaf, i'm pretty sure i've seen them there in the times i've been over the past few years. wild world will probably be much more expensive since they like to upcharge the old games, but they usually have that kind of stuff in the ds game case, and i'm pretty sure i've seen it there before. as a point of reference, the last time i went to gamestop was probably like ~9 months ago? hope this helps!

oh yeah, if you're ok with digital copies rather than physical, i bought my friend a digital copy of new leaf off gamestop's website just a week ago. they were out of stock of physical copies online.
You can usually check stock online or call them to see if they have it in stock. That'll probably be the easiest way instead of just hoping they have a copy of either game!
i honestly cannot speak for europe, but i doubt the games they offer are greatly different from america's selection so i'll give it a shot. they probably will have a copy of new leaf, i'm pretty sure i've seen them there in the times i've been over the past few years. wild world will probably be much more expensive since they like to upcharge the old games, but they usually have that kind of stuff in the ds game case, and i'm pretty sure i've seen it there before. as a point of reference, the last time i went to gamestop was probably like ~9 months ago? hope this helps!
wow, i wish i were in usa now :-: the last time i checked, gamestop here had alot of 3rd party games in stock and not a single animal crossing title. gamestop europe is pretty understocked imo! luckily, i think the online pricings for acww are actually cheaper than acnls? xD here, people don't really think old games have value or any retro element, and they sell it for much cheaper because new=better or so! its crazy how its almost opposite! i guess this means its probably better for me to not risk it? thanks for the insight!
You can usually check stock online or call them to see if they have it in stock. That'll probably be the easiest way instead of just hoping they have a copy of either game!
i just did and they didnt have wild world, but they did have acnl selling for only 8 euros, thats insanely cheap!! i remember it being worth 60 euros back in the day. maybe i will just buy it online and endure the long shipping times? thanks for the tip!