hey guys - just so everyone knows, being in new zealand, for you american players this is how ours times will work (so if it's too late in your town, you can come by mine and my nook will still be open! lol)
EST: we're 6 hours behind you
CST: we're 5 hours behind you
uhh... the california area: we're 4 hours behind you
we're hours behind you, but the majority of the time, we're a day AHEAD of you! so if you want to check out the future... come swing by... lol.
in daylight savings it's really complicated. at one time we're 5 hours behind EST, and then when ours kicks in we're like 7 hours behind. but as of now, what i posted is how it is, lol.
so if you guys want to come to a daylight time when your town is sleeping, PM me your details and i'll add you.
i'm about to open my gates, so send me a PM. my town isn't too awesome though... just looking for someone to hang out with, lol.
last night i had my first experience of going to a town with multiple people, and i really saw a side of the players in this game i don't really care to see in my town. when you PM me your details, please write a little paragraph or so introducing yourself so i can get an understanding of what kind of person you are. i'm new, and pretty scared of seeing what happened last night come to my town. if you screw up my town, steal my flowers, intentionally run over my flowers/baby trees, take stuff without me knowing, you won't be coming back to my town. if you don't take advantage of my town though, you'll get some bonus time being able to play with nook!
my information is:
my name is Nita.
my town's name is Coketown.
EST: we're 6 hours behind you
CST: we're 5 hours behind you
uhh... the california area: we're 4 hours behind you
we're hours behind you, but the majority of the time, we're a day AHEAD of you! so if you want to check out the future... come swing by... lol.
in daylight savings it's really complicated. at one time we're 5 hours behind EST, and then when ours kicks in we're like 7 hours behind. but as of now, what i posted is how it is, lol.
so if you guys want to come to a daylight time when your town is sleeping, PM me your details and i'll add you.
i'm about to open my gates, so send me a PM. my town isn't too awesome though... just looking for someone to hang out with, lol.
last night i had my first experience of going to a town with multiple people, and i really saw a side of the players in this game i don't really care to see in my town. when you PM me your details, please write a little paragraph or so introducing yourself so i can get an understanding of what kind of person you are. i'm new, and pretty scared of seeing what happened last night come to my town. if you screw up my town, steal my flowers, intentionally run over my flowers/baby trees, take stuff without me knowing, you won't be coming back to my town. if you don't take advantage of my town though, you'll get some bonus time being able to play with nook!
my information is:
my name is Nita.
my town's name is Coketown.