Turnips General Turnip Discussion & Daisy Mae Prices Thread

I bought so many turnips and as a starting player I'm totally screwed if I can't sell them for a good price. My prices probably won't go above 80....

I don't have anything interesting in return though... Anyone willing to help a newbie out?
Does anyone here have good turnip prices (over 120)? Need to sell today.
First time buying turnips and the Nooklings' prices will not go above 80. I need to sell them today or they'll go bad. I'd like to get the highest price I can obv, but at this point I need to get rid of about 3 inventories worth of turnips so I'd be happy with anything over 120ish.
Wish i could help you out @AnnaSt but my nooks is selling at 77 bells hahahaha pretty useless 😅
Turnips are cheap as dirt this Saturday afternoon. Anyone know if I can sell them on a hosted island? if yes please pm a dodo code, so long as they sell for more than 40 bells on your island as that is what they are sitting at over here.
Looking to offload some turnips today - I just got back from vacation and so I had no way to sell them until I got back. I'll happily give 20% of whatever I get for them.
Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if people use the turnip calculator and if so if you find it to be reliable/accurate?
I've started using it but I'm still nervous to trust it's predictions! The one I've used is https://ac-turnip.com
Just wondering peoples thoughts/experiences with it and see how successful you've been with it! Or if there's a different one you've found to work better.
Thanks :)
looking for a selling price atleast 200 or above will tip 10,000 bells and 1 nook miles ticket
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Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if people use the turnip calculator and if so if you find it to be reliable/accurate?
I've started using it but I'm still nervous to trust it's predictions! The one I've used is https://ac-turnip.com
Just wondering peoples thoughts/experiences with it and see how successful you've been with it! Or if there's a different one you've found to work better.
Thanks :)
Hi there,

I have used the one you mentioned but I find this one works better: https://turnipprophet.io/
With this calculator you have to input more things and I think it gives you a more accurate outlook of what to expect. Hope it helps
Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if people use the turnip calculator and if so if you find it to be reliable/accurate?
I've started using it but I'm still nervous to trust it's predictions! The one I've used is https://ac-turnip.com
Just wondering peoples thoughts/experiences with it and see how successful you've been with it! Or if there's a different one you've found to work better.
Thanks :)
I use stalks.io and I find it to be quite accurate, it hasn't done me wrong yet.