Generic Greeting Here.


Senior Member
May 1, 2013
I just wanted to have an introduction post.
I don't really feel like I need one, though, but I guess if I don't I maybe will want to when it's too late. Yes. Regret not saying hello. Weird, yes?

Aaaanyway, hello, BTF. I found this site many months ago when looking for something to do with dsi sound files. I didn't stay, but I did tell myself I'd look into this site later, which I never did. Good thing I didn't, or I would have only wanted Animal Crossing: New Leaf sooner and the wait would be painfully longer. So... I DID remember it. I kind of forgot the title, but remember the design of the site, which I really like. It's nice and neat and straight to the point. Well, I knew I would find this site again throughout my obsessive searching through AC: NL stuff on google, and I was right. I did. So, obviously, for a second time, it only made sense to actually join this time.

I wrote this out so nice and neat. I think. Good job, Sein.

So, hello. Name is Sei, glad to be here. I come from the magical land of... this site, where I admin forums (Which are currently glitchy) and groups. Yes, I am cool. That is all. Good bye.
greetings your avatar is adorable :3
Thank you. <3
I am pretty sure that is only because the face is perfectly symmetrical, completely by accident. I haven't been able to do that again since. o-o
Welcome to the Bell Tree! Glad you decided to join us!
=D It's reached that pivotal point where it's awkward to continue saying greetings.