Gentlemen's Agreement for Strict Constructionism

coffeebean! said:
RockmanEXE said:
Big no no for me.

I already broke the first two rules so I'm out.
There's a ppl's agreement to not so strict constructionism yew can sign it. it's teh opposite of this 'sept you can't hack. :D
Where could I find that at?
[quote="]Nooooooes TTing is WRONG!![/quote]You have no clue how many freaking times that's been repeated on this thread.
*signs* Yeh... I love starting fresh anyways, before City Folk I had three Wild World towns!
Alas, I would sign but I really love TTing. Although I never TT to the future, just to the past, seeing as I got CF on Christmas Day so I TT'd to Christmas eve to see Jingle! ;D


PS: And TT also adds more time to the game each day because when I TT there's always new clothes and whatnot! :D