Get Lost in Nowhere

Kelli said:
CrazyDavis said:
If your here for laughs then why bothering joining.... Just stay as a guest, all you've achieved is agitating people.
haha if i agitate people then my mission is complete.
now you see that kind of flaming is just wrong there is no need for that
wow you don't know anything about me or my town but you are going to assume... everyone knows where that gets you.....

talk what you know, not what you think you know.
Wow, you've shown me today that a thirteen year old boy is more mature and intelligent than a middle-aged woman. Go do something with your life please, rather than argue with teens on the internet.

EDIT: Oh and I'm glad I'm not you. I'm glad i'm a friendly, popular 13-year old boy who is more mature than some silly woman on the internet. But I doubt you are anyway. Aren't you too mature to be replying by the way?
Actually, teenagers will soon be hard-working adults, paying for your benefits and pensions.

I bet everyone reading this is lol'ing at Kelli. Don't worry, so am I.
i think we might be heading into inb4thelock territory soon. I made it in the last 2 threads that got locked. I have my copy and paste ready. Who's ready?
Yup it's WiiHaven. And what happen to "IM GOING TO HACK TBT AND CLOSE IT DOWN!"
It never happened. He just had a little collapse in his brain. The cerebral cortex probably collapsed. But you'd understand this complex things, because you've done them, right Kelli?
Oh, now you're insulting me? Pahahaha, you really are pathetic aren't you?
And oh yeah, as far as anyone thinking or believing that I am WiiHaven, he has gone to a far better site, one that does not "look down" on imaginative people with great towns.

As far as I go, you kids need to learn some respect and probably need a good slapping. I know if you were my kids I would be beating you with a smile on my face daily.
mariokartgod said:
AverageSean said:
Yup it's WiiHaven. And what happen to "IM GOING TO HACK TBT AND CLOSE IT DOWN!"
are you ready for inb4thelock average sean? I heard you are the master of it.
I don't need to, my post is already affecting the thread. But If I feel I must, I will.
Kelli love, my parents own a successful local pub called The Craven Heifer. We are a well-off family. They have to work sometimes, but I play on my wii then. Then we have lots of free time. So, you're logic just got smothered. Bahahaha.