Ghost Squad


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2007

this game looked amazing, like it was going to be one of the best games, right next to Brawl. Half of the reason I thought so was that I heard that there was Online Co-Op.

Turns out that it's just online scoreboards. My friends thought that it meant there was online because there was a Wi-Fi sign on the box, but that's because you submit the scores via Wi-Fi

don't get me wrong, the gameplay looks great, but very short, so I was thinking some Co-Op would help. Sure, I could play with real life friends, but honestly, the ones that come over often are noobs, and I would own them in my sleep very easily at just about any game, so it wouldn't be very fun.

so this sucks...
Well... Keep in mind that Ghost Squad was technically a light gun arcade game a few years back, just ported to Wii. Luckily, it sports a $30 price tag, so even with the lack of online co-op, I think that's a great price for what is a great shooting game.
thats true, though they reccomend the zapper, I don't know if I like the zapper or not, I wish there was a way to test it or something, cause if I test it and hate it, I just saved myself $20 lol