Gif question


Fine like whine
Aug 2, 2019
Peach (Fruit)
White Rose
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
What are the requirements/limitations when posting a gif? Every gif I've attempted to post either converts back to an image, or will fail to upload at all. I've used an image hosting site to try to fix this with that, and it gave me the same result.
are you using tbt's image uploader? if so don't.

instead just use img tags around the image link you're trying to post, like this


the above will turn into this:

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are you using tbt's image uploader? if so don't.

instead just use img tags around the image link you're trying to post, like this


the above will turn into this:


wow that gif is beautiful

Oh hey it worked! Why doesn't the image tab work? Do you know?

The image tab as always worked perfectly fine for me. Why would HTML have anything to do with it?

Try checking off "Retrieve remote file and reference locally"
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tbt's image uploader charges tbt bells every time you use it (it's a tiny amount, possibly a decimal iirc) so i would advise against using it anyways lol
tbt's image uploader charges tbt bells every time you use it (it's a tiny amount, possibly a decimal iirc) so i would advise against using it anyways lol

Agreed and you're better off using something like imgur
Speaking of imgur. It would seem that they shut down their mobile website, and will operate through the app. The app doesn't provide a direct link, so how does one get passed this?
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Speaking of imgur. It would seem that they shut down their mobile website, and will operate through the app. The app doesn't provide a direct link, so how does one get passed this?

I'm still able to access their mobile website. Have you also tried using share/copy link?

Ok two things:
  • Youre linking to an album. You need to press on the specific gif and then use share link.
  • It'll give you a gifv link which this forum dosnt support. However, all you'll need to do is remove the "v" in "gifv"
I'm either completely idiotic, or this is the most unnecessarily convoluted program I've ever delved into. I've went to the specific gif, and it's still only providing a link to the gallery. Why can't there be options?
I'm either completely idiotic, or this is the most unnecessarily convoluted program I've ever delved into. I've went to the specific gif, and it's still only providing a link to the gallery. Why can't there be options?

I'm using android so maybe It's a little different. I went ahead and made a small step through my process.

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So let me get this straight. To get out of a gallery you have to press for what clearly is a full screen icon that's not even visible until you click the picture. Who? Why? What?

That would be like if it in order to make a private message here you actually would need to make a video that then convert what you say into the words that's type, but you don't even see the option at all until you go into your edit signature setting.


Anyway thanks for your help. I think I got it finally. Would you like some tbt for your efforts?
I also don't exactly know why it's like that but I'm glad you got it to work. Oh and I'm happy to help free of charge, I just really enjoy problem/puzzle solving.
Well we're going to have to return here to answer yet another qeustion. Just recently you posted this:
Cool cat, helped me greaten my forum skills like so


I believe the reason it didn't convert over to a gif is because it simply isn't a gif in the first place. Or atleast in Imgurs eyes. It must of been uploaded as either a mp4 or GIFV file so imgur only knows it as a GIFV.

However, I was able to fix this problem by reuploading the GIFV on imgur by using their video to gif converter.
