a kid who ran away but isn't sure they should've
Sorry if you're overloaded rn, but your writing is soo good <3
Kate took rapid breaths. It was far too cold out. It was dark, too. She could see the smoke coming from her fiery hot breath spiral into the air and she knew it wouldn't be long before she began to freeze. Maybe she'd be cryogenically frozen minus the science like they say in those weird stories, and someone would be able to thaw her out so she could go home again. Maybe when she was thawed out it'd be, like, 200 years into the future or something?
Man, that would be cool.
But she didn't have time to think of things that would obviously never happen. She should never have even set on foot out of the door, but she was angry and hurt and she acted on impulse. 11 year olds are moody. Her parents should have known that. Maybe it was her fault that she got angry. Maybe she was angry over nothing really, and she was just being silly as always. She'd always overreacted to things. She'd go into a hissy fit if she lost at bowling, or more infamously minigolf. She thought she'd have grown out of that, but she still got angry whenever she didn't win. Maybe she could use her hissy fits for something useful this time. Heck, squirming around a lot would at least keep her warm, or she could easily get away if she was kidnapped-
What if she was kidnapped?!
She glared at the area around herself nervously. Someone was behind that tree, definitely. Obviously. Maybe. Okay, probably not. She began to sink down onto the ground. She curled up next to a tree and groaned, tucking her head inbetween her knees in an attempt to keep her ears warm.
And then she began to cry.
gonna leave it there hehe
but hey! i did it! i woke up finally! yay!
this was super fun, thanks for the prompt
- - - Post Merge - - -
hmm, i might need to think about that one first..
- - - Post Merge - - -
Can you do a history teacher murderer (I had a dream about my history teacher murdering some of my class)
Or just a murder
Or one about a teddy coming to life
Sorry, these aren't very good ideas, but if you would do one......
i love the idea about the teddy
''You stay there, Mr. Tiddles, and I'll be right back!''
Mr. Tiddles sat there, lifeless, waiting for the little girl to walk out of the room. The door creaked shut.
His button eyes wiggled around a little. His stitched-up mouth squirmed a little. He moved his left arm, and he moved his right arm. His left leg, and his right leg. This was a strange feeling. Mr Tiddles didn't remember being able to walk before. In fact, Mr. Tiddles didn't remember being able to think about not remembering being able to walk before. Mr. Tiddles didn't remember thinking ever. But he began to think about his friend, the little girl who cherished him so dearly, and he felt a feeling. He didn't know quite what that feeling was, but it felt good. He wasn't quite sure what feeling good was, either. He hadn't had much experience with the whole ''emotions'' thing. But it seemed fun to think, and to walk, and to talk. Mr. Tiddles couldn't talk no matter how much he tried to open his little stitched-up mouth, though, and he couldn't make a single peep.
What a shame, thought Mr. Tiddles.
Thinking was fun.
aaaahh MR TIDDLESSSS i love you
this made me smile while writing it, tysm for the prompt