Give me a theme and I'll write something about it

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i love the idea about the teddy
''You stay there, Mr. Tiddles, and I'll be right back!''
Mr. Tiddles sat there, lifeless, waiting for the little girl to walk out of the room. The door creaked shut.
His button eyes wiggled around a little. His stitched-up mouth squirmed a little. He moved his left arm, and he moved his right arm. His left leg, and his right leg. This was a strange feeling. Mr Tiddles didn't remember being able to walk before. In fact, Mr. Tiddles didn't remember being able to think about not remembering being able to walk before. Mr. Tiddles didn't remember thinking ever. But he began to think about his friend, the little girl who cherished him so dearly, and he felt a feeling. He didn't know quite what that feeling was, but it felt good. He wasn't quite sure what feeling good was, either. He hadn't had much experience with the whole ''emotions'' thing. But it seemed fun to think, and to walk, and to talk. Mr. Tiddles couldn't talk no matter how much he tried to open his little stitched-up mouth, though, and he couldn't make a single peep.
What a shame, thought Mr. Tiddles.
Thinking was fun.
aaaahh MR TIDDLESSSS i love you
this made me smile while writing it, tysm for the prompt
Thankyou and no problem!
just realised i forgot about sugilite's prompt ahhh i need to write that up haha
Fang X Freya story! (dont make it too gross though)

Hehe sorry I prefer not to do animal crossing stories!
anyway since i haven't done anything in a while here's a... thing i don't even know
It was amazing how well flattery worked. Even though I only knew ten words of French.

Besides, nobody that I'd ever known had ever came to France to see the sights...
Well, depends what sights you're looking for. Because if you're looking for ladies, you're looking in the right place. Flirt hard enough and they'll eat it up within a moment's notice, leaving you just enough time to give them a hearty snog, a fake phone number, and to flee before they try to speak to you again.
Because you know, French is hard.
wanted to do a small thingedy thing to get me ready for writing again
if you have any prompts/themes feel free to suggest them
if not i'll just keep posting stuff
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-Someone kidnapping someone else and then the kidnapper begins to realize they're in love with their victim.
-cuddle fluff by candlelight.
-two people trapped in a storm. They stop by a shelter area and try to keep each other warm.
-massaging in a bath.
-someone finding the perfect Christmas gift for their crush
-two people camping together and a bear attacks
-Someone kidnapping someone else and then the kidnapper begins to realize they're in love with their victim.
-cuddle fluff by candlelight.
-two people trapped in a storm. They stop by a shelter area and try to keep each other warm.
-massaging in a bath.
-someone finding the perfect Christmas gift for their crush
-two people camping together and a bear attacks

now i need to think of which one to do fiiirst...
now i need to think of which one to do fiiirst...

I love fluff. I'm such a sucker for fluff. x3
Take your time! I'll think of more ideas too. I always get in the mood where I come up with ideas but I'm either too lazy or don't have the time to write them so I'm happy you can fulfill my hunger. xD

The last two are dating, so some fluff with them would be cute.

? Distant: Aliza is happiest when she’s alone. She likes to keep to herself, even around friends and family. Being so quiet and withdrawn makes her difficult to read, so it’s hard for people to know how she really feels

? Shy: When it comes to meeting new people, Aliza struggles. She can’t seem to really make a connection with people unless they really try to get to know her. She relies on others to reach out to her and take the first step in any relationship.

? Pushover: Aliza tries to avoid conflict at all cost. She lets people push her around and does what they ask to avoid confrontation. This, mixed with her lack of outside emotions, makes her seem easy to manipulate.

? Outspoken: Aliza’s quiet nature often leaves her viewpoints un-represented. She may have an incredible idea to share, but doesn’t want to try and overshadow someone else. Aliza’s responses and ideas are all kept neatly in her head when they can’t be said out loud.

? Kind: Aliza is very polite, even through her seemingly cold outside. She takes others into consideration over herself most of the time, and will put herself into an uncomfortable situation to save someone else. Of course, this can get her into trouble when she bites off more than she can chew, but it always appreciated by friends

? Smart: When Aliza opens up and is willing to share ideas, people realize how smart she is. She’s a very logical person and uses her head more than her heart. Even with her insistence to avoid conflicts, Aliza strives to prove herself as right in the nicest way possible. She’s talented at math and science and helps her girlfriend run a successful business.

? Open-minded: Aliza is extremely accepting of others and always loves to hear people’s views on things. Of course, she isn’t afraid to challenge others, but it’s more of a way to compare their views than to try and fight. She thinks people should be able to believe in whatever they want and do what they want, as long as it isn’t hurting someone else.

? Calm: Even in stressful situations, Aliza always seems calm on the outside. She is able to throw her emotions out and handle things logically and make an effective plan. This keeps her going and is also comforting to others.

Worrier: Aliza can find something to worry about anywhere. It keeps her occupied, thinking up the scariest scenario that could happen in her current location. She’s a little jumpy in new places because of all these unaddressed concerns.

? Cynical: When talking to others, Mary will go out of her way to act like she doesn’t care. And most of the time, she doesn’t. She looks down on most others, partially to cover up her self-esteem issues, but partially because she’s so disgusted with other people. It’s a bit hypocritical, since she’s not too nice to others and isn’t doing anything special for the world, but she feels that everyone’s too caught up with themselves to look at the big picture and help things.

? Huffy: For someone who acts like she’s rough and tough, Mary is easily hurt. She just doesn’t like to show it. Inside she’s a bit of a baby. She doesn’t handle criticism well and hates nothing more than being insulted. She can even get pouty over friendly insults

? Lazy: Mary is very inspired and full of ideas. She just doesn’t feel like acting on them most of the time. With all her big ideas, she could do something huge. But, without having the recourses placed in front of her and a lot of help, these nice ideas go down the drain.

? Insecure: One of the big things that holds Mary back is her insecurity. She always doubts herself and is scared to really go above and beyond because she thinks she’ll fall flat on her face. Embarrassment is her biggest fear.

? Reckless: Thinking before she acts is not one of Mary’s strong suits. She is very impulsive and hates planning more than anything. Mary doesn’t really think about the future when making a decision, and often pays the price later.

? Focused: Mary can take all her energy and put it into a project. Though she can’t get something done all in one sitting, the quality of the work is well worth the wait. The planning for her projects (like an outfit) is usually rushed, and she instead likes to fix things as she goes along.

? Curious: Mary is mediocre at a lot of different things, just because at one point in her life she became curious. She’s a jack of all trades in a sense, and can actually pick things up very easily. When she finds an interest in something, Mary will obsess for months at a time, pick up a skill, then move onto something else at the drop of a hat.

? Funny: Mary has an awesome sense of humor. She thrives off of making her friends laugh, and though she can get huffy, Mary loves self-deprecating jokes and uses them a lot. Most of her jokes come through sarcasm and dryness, but she can appeal to anyone really.

? Passionate: When it comes to friends and family, Mary is fiercely loyal. She will stop at nothing to keep these people safe and happy. She’s like a fireball with her lovers, and is very protective of her friends. Whether it be sewing, or someone’s safety, Mary will put her all into things she really cares about.

? Creative: Mary is full of ideas and new ways to do things. She’s ingenious and loves to share her concepts with others. Nothing makes her feel better than completing a project, especially when she’s praised on it. This creativity makes being around her a ton of fun since she’s always got a crazy new idea to share.

The girl in the red dress is Aliza, and the brunette is Mary.