(GLEE THREAD) okay everyone i admit it

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because ever since the vaporub thing kurt-stans have like targetted Tina and every little thing that she says or does(see what i did there) they accuse her of idk doing something really bad. like the scene with emma in the quarterback kurt=stans on tumblr were like 'THIS IS WAHY I H8 TINA CUZ SHE SELF SENTERD LITL HO IRL LLLL ELELEL' check it out for yourself if you dont belieb me ;-;



and some spoiler person:

Hey y’all! Another week gone by without a new Glee episode, but we’ve survived, which is good since that’s about to change come next Thursday when the Glee Club and the Newyorkers celebrate the music of Katy Parry and Lady Gaga (They are even releasing and EP and stuff). But in the news department we got a HUGE revelation that most of us definitely saw coming: The show is planning to ditch Lima and move full time to New York.

To be honest, it was about time, one of the main reasons this whole show has worked is because of its characters, and since they already let go so many of them (Ehem… Quinn, anyone?) and the newbies are not really working (at all!) it was the smartes thing to do: Just think of all the shenanigans we’ll be able to witness, there’s just so much to do in NYC. But the real question is: Who’s staying? Who is leaving? Because as we know there are four people with one foot out the McKinley Halls, and we only know the plans of two of them. So I am afraid they ditch the wrong one along with the newbies… But meanwhile…

First comes Artie, who’s been accepted to the Brooklyn Film Academy already, so it’s a safe bet he’ll be moving to NYC.

Then we have Blaine, who just got engaged with Kurt, who is living in Bushwick, and he’s good friends with Rachel, and said he would apply for NYADA, so it’s safe to say we’ll be seeing him there in no time, seriously, can you picture Glee without Blaine? (I can, Season One) because I still can’t believe he’s taken the spotlight from some other characters who are way more interesting and not nearly as annoying.

And once again we are faced with the Tina Factor. I mean, although she is mah gurl, I have to admit, we basically know nothing about her, which is why it would be easier to leave her behind, BUT for Heaven’s sake!! She is one of the originals, and I believe she deserves to go to NY, or at least to stay in the show as a regular character, if we know nothing about her it’s not her fault at all, is it? (This is why I HATE Ryan Murphy).

As for Sam, wel… he is Sam, and I’m sure he’ll manage to squeeze into the NYC side, especially since the writers decided to make him a huge part of Blaine’s life, and I like Sam, I really do, I just think they give him the worst storylines lately. #fact.

Oh! An BTW: I’ve heard some nagging and moaning about the validity of this source, but I think all I’ve got to say is: Get over it! If you don’t believe the spoilers I share then IDK what you’re doing here, if you thing they aren’t spoilery enough then a) enjoy what I share or B) Get the heck away from here. If you want my opinion I think it’s better this way, so you get spoiled, but the episode is not ruined becuz you already know what’s gonna happen (trust me, it sucks). I believe so far what I’ve shared has been proven true, but if something doesn’t show on screen then I’m sorry, but you know how this works, they write and shoot so much, but some scenes end up in the editing room floor, because that’s how television works! Given the amount of time they have to put together 45 min of footage I’d say: respect.

But for those of you who like what I do, and share some of my thoughts, here it goes:

End of Twerk: There is a McKinley reunion involving way more than just the students, the Rachel-Kurt tatoo thing is very important because it works as a metaphor for where they’re going (or plan to!), and Dani is not present in this episode.

Movin’ Out: I guess the scene with Little Blaine is “moving” in a way (it works to prove a point), ************There’s hope for Tina******, Ryder has “his” moment during his solo (I know it sounds weird, but you’ll get it… eventually), the NY side plays the lighter part for this episode.

Puppet Master: The seniors are actually adressed!! There’s talk about the future of McKinley, Rachel is singing, Starchild reveals “something”, and the puppets work as a metaphor.

Well, I haven't watched with any true interest since the episode with the rival glee club and throwing eggs at the female lead (Rachel?), but sending Kurt to Russia seems like it's going to be some sort of statement about how Russia treats homosexuals.
Well, I haven't watched with any true interest since the episode with the rival glee club and throwing eggs at the female lead (Rachel?), but sending Kurt to Russia seems like it's going to be some sort of statement about how Russia treats homosexuals.

Oh wow, season one, damn that's pretty far back.
apparently coz it's an EP the release gets pushed back a day or something irdk
KNEW THEY WOULD GET RID OF SOME OF THE SOLOISTS IN ROAR. now it's just wide awake singers + NYC (no kurt)

Wide Awake: never liked the original but like this version
Applause: idk male vocals sounds weird and they sound pre **** in the chorus but i guess it's cause it a female song w/ male vocals (marley needed solo lines)
Roar: Kitty sounds way too high soznotsoz tina sounds wear on the first chorus soznotsoz. Sounds good until you hear like 9025320 voices. The part where Dani is like 'I GOT DA EYE OF THE TIGERRRRR' (after the 532753 roars in a row part) sounds wear SOZNOTSOZ