(GLEE THREAD) okay everyone i admit it

My ears are bleeding x_x

Pretty much what Hamu said. And I highly doubt your ears are bleeding... If they are you should probably go to a doctor instead of making some insignificant post bashing a show we like, when we don't go around bashing what you like, show some respect.
Pretty much what Hamu said. And I highly doubt your ears are bleeding... If they are you should probably go to a doctor instead of making some insignificant post bashing a show we like, when we don't go around bashing what you like, show some respect.
we so sassy :)

and the **** are on jake.
THE **** ARE ON ;-;

Pretty much what Hamu said. And I highly doubt your ears are bleeding... If they are you should probably go to a doctor instead of making some insignificant post bashing a show we like, when we don't go around bashing what you like, show some respect.

O sorry! I was being sarcastic and I only said that because that song by the glee cast is awful. I do watch glee myself
and I wasn't post bashing, I actually like glee. I was just giving my opinion because im entitled to do so. Sorry if I offended you.
H that's okay then, guess we jumped the gun so sorry! We often have people cone I. Here who just bash te show and then leave so we kist thought you were doing the same because you just came ib randomly lol
So what ao were you talking about that you didnt like?

(also on my phone an too lazy to fix typos so PLZ deal with them)
Aww ok ^^ and I dont like the gamgnam style song o.e
I love amber rileys version of bust your windows by jazmine sullivan
and I cried when brittnay and santana broke up x_x
havent started watching the new eps yet though.
Aww ok ^^ and I dont like the gamgnam style song o.e
I love amber rileys version of bust your windows by jazmine sullivan
and I cried when brittnay and santana broke up x_x
havent started watching the new eps yet though.
gangnam style was **** but it feds grew on me
never was a fan of bust your windows lol never got why it was so popular

o yea
5x15 song spoiler
No One Is Alone from Into The Woods sung by Sam, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine
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What's all of your favorite couples? I loved Brittana, Quinntana, and Samcedes. Tike and Tartie were awesome. Mikecedes, Faberry, and anything with Bree would be awesome :)
What's all of your favorite couples? I loved Brittana, Quinntana, and Samcedes. Tike and Tartie were awesome. Mikecedes, Faberry, and anything with Bree would be awesome :)

Only people I ship romantically are brittana, but it's not like a hardcore ship. The rest are just friendships though:

Idk there is probs more but idk
Ok Danny's song is finally out so no I will say what I think of them

Jumpin Jumpin: it's so good omg it sounds so groovy, equal song parts, so it's really nice. Plus Jenna kills it. Would've liked more Tina but maybe that's my bias talking
Dont You ( Forget About Me): if I'm being honest, I never liked the original. It's a good song and all but the vocals don't match the instrumental, and just sounds awkward, so I wasn't excited for this but omg this is great honestly Sam sounds amazing and Tina's harmonies are great
The Happening: least fav song of them all, sounds boring and eww. Demi sounds good tho, which is weird since I don't like her voice that much
Gloria: love the original, love he cover, this is soooo good can't really say anything else coz it's so great
Danny's song: WASTED POTENTIAL. Could've been a really cute wemma duet, instead it's basically a will solo with Emma on back up for like 1/8 of the song and you can barely hear her... Lol no thx
hold on: (idk y Elliot and Dani aren't on this???) too many singers tbh but I do like it. Even tho it's split screen between NYC and Lima there are some duets of oeople from both sides and it sounds really good (though they skipped part of the song and the skip it really awkward)

TL;DR: not as good as last week but still good

oops forgot barracuda

barracuda: Elliot out sings Rachel and it sounds weird having a rock singer sing with a pop/broadway singer like????? but I still like it
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Trio spoilers
Re: Trio- anything on the status of Dani/Santana? Do they interact at all? Is Dani written off in the episode? Thanks!
Dani is barely in it. From what I remember, she and Santana exchange only one line. Santana isn?t happy with her, but as far as I can tell there?s no official breakup or official writing Dani off of the show either.

Is there any Klaine interaction in the episode? Or, failing that, anything Klaine fans should be wary of?
No and no. I don?t think they mention each other at all.

do you know something about the sophomores? especially Ryder and Marley?
They have basically nothing in this episode from what I recall.

Is there any kind of resolution between santana and rachel. like are they at least semi friends again? does rachel move back into the loft?? Thank you!
They talk a little more calmly, but things aren?t really patched up between them. Rachel isn?t back in the loft I don?t believe.

Any idea about what the 'S' rating is for?
Will and Emma.

Is there any talk about Blaine and NYADA?

Why doesn't Artie participate in the lock-in?
There?s not really a big explanation? Sam, Tina and Blaine just decide to sneak in after Sue cancels it. At the end of the episode they include Artie though.

is ' the happening' cut from the ep?

Is there any reason for the Tina/Sam kiss or are they just bored?
They basically just wanted to try it out and explore the possibility, but it?s a one-time thing.

Is Emma pregnant?
By the end, yes.

Are Dani, Elliott and Kurt take sides? Or are they choose to not being involved in the Pezberry feud?
They don?t take sides, but they all agree to kick out Rachel and Santana from the band. It?s mostly about Elliot being in the middle.

Hi, Do you know if Kurt gets much screen time? Thanks for the spoilers :)
Kurt is in a few scenes but he doesn?t really have any big focus compared to Rachel, Santana, and Elliot.

Do we find out where Rachel is staying?
She?s staying with Elliot.

Blaine's reaction to Sam and Tina?
He?s sort of freaked out. He?s mad because he doesn?t want to be made a third wheel/it was supposed to be about the three of them bonding.

any awful meta or "jokes" to brace for with Blaine/Tina or Blaine/Sam? also, do Pamela Lansbury break up? Thanks!
I don?t think there?s any meta or jokes with Blaine/Tina or Blaine/Sam, not that I remember.

Could you tell us what order the songs are performed in? If you remember? Thanks! :)
Jumpin? Jumpin?


Don?t You Forget About Me

Danny?s Song


The Happening

Hold On

does blaine catch tina and sam before or after they sing DYFAM?

Hi! Thank you so much for doing this! I wanted to ask why Ausiello went all "You will all go eeeeeew" when he talked about a kiss in this episode. Is there anything gross coming our way or was he just being Assiello?
It?s Sam/Tina, not sure why someone would describe it as ew. I haven?t seen the scene but Sam later describes the kissing as ?hot? so I don?t think it?s supposed to be awful.

Does Sam say anything about his future/living situation?

Any indications of a Kurt/Elliot flirtation?
No, at least not in dialogue.

Is Blaine's previous crush on Sam brought up in the episode?

Is "Danny's Song" before or after Emma's pregnancy reveal? Thanks so much for answering questions.

Can we see in the episode Pezberry still care for each other at least a little, or is this only insults and feud with no reminder of their friendship?
They talk about how they?ve been each other?s only female friends in the past.

Hello! Can you tell me if there are something of Dantana?
They have very little. I think they exchange like two lines toward the end.

Does Becky interrupt either of the Blamtina songs?
She pops up at the end of DYFAM.

Is this mostly a filler episode?
I guess. On the Lima side there?s nothing big happening except for the Will/Emma baby. On the New York side, Rachel and Santana being kicked out. There?s no big developments aside from those.

3 questions about Glee "Trio" - Who gives Will the advice that serves him in both the bedroom and the CLASSROOM?!! How is the Sam/Tina kiss resolved since they are parting ways soon? Does anyone catch Wemma having sex in McKinley? Thanks!
Sue gives the advice, Bieste kind of too.

Sam and Tina enjoy their makeout but agree there?s nothing really there.

Sue and Becky catch them.

Is there any hint of something more than friendship between Rachel and Elliott ?

How much screentime does Sam get? Is there any mention of Penny (esp. while he's making out with Tina?) Would you say this is a good episode for him?
There?s a mention of Penny by Blaine. Sam gets a fair amount of screentime. Whether it?s good or not is too subjective to really answer. Honestly there?s nothing really revelatory about those scenes. It?s really just comedy with Blaine/Tina/Sam with some schmoopiness thrown in.

hi :) can you please tell us if there are any Artie/Kitty moments in this episode, please ? thank you
Not in dialogue, there?s a mention of them having a bumper bowling date Blaine was invited to.

does blaine catch tina and sam before or after they sing DYFAM?
Oops, I don?t know why I answered that wrong? it happens after.

HI! Are we going to see Will and Emma doing "inappropiate" things ?? xD Thanks!

Do we get any Artie in this episode?
He has a few lines but nothing big. I think the only sophomores who have any lines at all are Unique and Kitty and that?s just choir room filler.

Is there any Kurt/Santana scene alone?
No, I think Kurt is only in group scenes.

Hi, I just followed you because you're awesome for answering these questions. So is Dani's future absence going to be explained in this episode?

What is the context for Jumpin Jumpin, why that song? What are they doing when they perform it?
Choir room performance.

Do Blamtina talk about their post graduation plans re: the idea of Tina going to NYC too?

Is Santana painted as the bad guy throughout the episode? Or is it Rachel?
They both act pretty ridiculous toward Elliot and treat him like a Kurt replacement/pawn/object. He?s really the only one framed as ?good? in that conflict.

so basically this episode seems boring

also the performance for dannys song is out somewhere but ive not watched it coz its so boring
there's a glee cover of blurred lines and i think that's all the more reason why glee is an absolute pile of trash
there's a glee cover of blurred lines and i think that's all the more reason why glee is an absolute pile of trash

I would insert a Santana "get over it" gif but I can literally not be bothered to go out of my way for someone as rude as you. Common courtesy, we don't go around calling things you like a "pile of trash" so pay us the same respect and do the same for us (of course, if you do, I'm sure me and my fellow gleeks would be more than happy enough to go out of our way to do so).
Just because glee covers a controversial song means it's a pile of trash? There are much more offensive and degrading sounds out there than blurred lines... Get over yourself
If you actually bothered to take interest in the show then you'd know that;
1) when they covered it, they removed the rap part of the song - they could have easily kept that in, which they didn't
2) when the episode aired it WAS taken on a serious note, the singer was like "lul this song is about blurring the lines and being free" and then AFTER it was performed, another character actually informed them what the song was "really" about (I use expressions because the meaning is really up for interpretation) and gave him a lecture about it. It was used to create awareness. Not to mention the whole episode was revolved around being yourself, and included issues of bullying of transgender people

So yeah, next time you go around bashing other peoples interests, make sure you get your facts right first.
I would insert a Santana "get over it" gif but I can literally not be bothered to go out of my way for someone as rude as you. Common courtesy, we don't go around calling things you like a "pile of trash" so pay us the same respect and do the same for us (of course, if you do, I'm sure me and my fellow gleeks would be more than happy enough to go out of our way to do so).
Just because glee covers a controversial song means it's a pile of trash? There are much more offensive and degrading sounds out there than blurred lines... Get over yourself
If you actually bothered to take interest in the show then you'd know that;
1) when they covered it, they removed the rap part of the song - they could have easily kept that in, which they didn't
2) when the episode aired it WAS taken on a serious note, the singer was like "lul this song is about blurring the lines and being free" and then AFTER it was performed, another character actually informed them what the song was "really" about (I use expressions because the meaning is really up for interpretation) and gave him a lecture about it. It was used to create awareness. Not to mention the whole episode was revolved around being yourself, and included issues of bullying of transgender people

So yeah, next time you go around bashing other peoples interests, make sure you get your facts right first.

there's a glee cover of blurred lines and i think that's all the more reason why glee is an absolute pile of trash

Yeah and ur the trash because your title is literally 'actual trash can' so go be a trash can somewhere else we don't want your stinky stink here
kk just watching episode

- oh the episode starts with will?? was expecting nyc of blamtina
- wtf that was so awkies since when was emma a slut?
- why doesnt emma just keep wills sperm in a jar and then when her fertilization rates are up go to he bathroom and put it in her vag its possible its happened before its been proven to work
- wtf jumpin jumpin so random???
- aww artie butthurt coz he wasnt included
- ok elliot/rachel so ****ing random
- good he took that stupid hat off
- rachel pls i can basically see your vagina
- sam pls
- tinas boobs just became canon
- tina sTOP CRYING
- santana <3
- "up her butt" LOOOOL
- ok sometimes i just let it pass b/cos glee but where the **** is the music coming from?? they make such an effort to actually make it look legit (band members, instrumentals in tapes etc) WHERE IS IT COMING FROM
- did they really need to put sam in the female cheerio outfit?? srsly
- becky got them suck ****
- dannys song literally just started and ive never wanted to fast forward through a song/scene this much ever
- becky pls stop
- blaine get over yourself
- not relevant but santana looks so good in her uniform
- wow nice one. clearly showing rachel singing but her mouth isnt open sKILLS
- shut up blaine
- santana got so much hair j/s
- whyd they pick such a **** song omg
- artie b happy pls
- why are they laughing at hold on??
- hold on was rly good but why does elliot have facial hair in this episode???
- so emma cant go to nationals in LA coz she is like 1 week pregantn??? ok then!!!

ok episode was better than i thought

oooO0Oo0O0O000oO0o00O000o sexy but was to be expected since it was so late


I Love LA (Glee Cast Version)
Vacation (Glee Cast Version)
Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars (Glee Cast Version feat. Skylar Astin)
More Than a Feeling (Glee Cast Version)
America (Glee Cast Version)
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (Glee Cast Version)

so are the skylar songs a mash up now??
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ugh why would they mash them songs up they'd be better on their own...
also 5x16 is called "Tested" and these are the songs so far:

I Wanna Know What Love Is, cantada por Mercedes Jones – Can??o original da banda Foreigner.
Love Is A Battlefield, cantada por Kurt & Blaine – Can??o original da cantora Pat Benatar.