
Feb 1, 2009
3 Envelopes
Small Mailbox
So we were at a friend's town just goofing around at the Able's store and suddenly I get sucked into the corner right where Sable is working! I was stuck there for 20 minutes! And both of them ditched me! >_< So they got me out the same way I got stuck and then the other person got stuck.

You guys should try it I had no idea we discovered a glitch... =P
I have one.
Someone (the person not hosting) has to keep watering with out stopping
The host, has to save/end
The saving or ending party will be canceled cuz of the watering
It's wierd <_<
Once I was playing with 4 people and someone (cant remember who) kept running into me in the town hall.
So, I sidestepped, and he ran past me, and FLEW, not wen through, FLEW OVER that bar thing and landed next to Tortimer in the back. He talked to tortimer, and at the bottom, it said:
"Im glad you bothered to come here, but try talking to me on town holidays or events."

It was AWESOME!! <3
one time me and my friends were hanging out at the museum. We all went to the coffee shop then one of my friends went out side.Then when i got out side i didn't move and opened my keyboard. Then my other friend still in the the coffee shop came out and got stuck under the museum. Really werid o_O and we kept on trying it but it wouldn't work again
One time a friend and I were playing tag and I was "it" and I was chasing him really closely and suddenly he walked on the air cutting through the trees. And then suddenly he was back on the floor. That was pretty rad! =D
oh I forgot the pascal glich when I gave a scallop to him then me n my friend ignored him then while fishin we found pascal standing in the water
Yes your share was awesome! Thank you for sharing as well Toonlinksmaster! Sorry I read your post and overlooked it for a second there. =P
Standing in the water? Woah! It seems as if most glitches occur when you have another person over. =P Way to point out the obvious, eh wot?