Goals before PC ends?


Senior Member
May 22, 2014
Are you trying to accomplish anything within the game before the 28th? I started playing again when I saw they were getting rid of micro-transactions.

I had a lot of of leaf ticket maps and I’ve done them and used my leaf
tickets on cookies. I also have the Sanrio characters, so I decided to level them up and get their photos. I’m not sure if I’d be able to do that after switching to Complete.
honestly, i've been playing so long that i don't really have any goals lol. i wanted to make sure i unlocked all the villagers before the game ends, and i think i've done that now? i actually thought i had a few weeks ago, but when refreshing gulliver's island, two more villager ones popped up. really, all that's left is to make sure i spend all my leaf tickets in time. i think i might go on the acpc wiki and see what items are in all the upcoming re-released collections, just to see if i would buy any of them.

also, as far as i know, you should be able to level up the sanrio villagers just fine in complete! they're only unavailable (along with all other sanrio items) to players who will be new to complete. if you already have them unlocked in current pocket camp, my understanding is they'll transfer over just fine and be capable of leveling like all the other villagers.
I just reached level hundred, so already got one goal down. Next goals is to earn 250 tickets to get the 5+1 star gazing cookie combo next week!
Get Lopez.
That's all I wanted. Just because I don't know how hard it will be to get the villagers, and I really want all my island residents!
I don't know if I'll ever get my last boy Toby 😭

But last night I finally got his map, and I'm so happy to have him! 🥳
Maple is also happy ♡
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Spend all leaf tickets as possible. I'm waiting for the reissue items I like so I can spend LT before EOS.
I was waiting too but now I have to spend 4000 on stuff I did not want.
I'd love the 🥺 one! Let me know which one you'd like, just the luxury essence one I don't have enough materials for unfortunately. 😅
My FC: 21149240822
I send a request! I'd love the 'you're great' one!
I reached my goal of getting to level 50 an hour before the servers went down!
My goal was to spend all my leaf tickets and I was stuck at 38, so I used 20 at the quarry and the 18 others to made crafting time faster for the gyroidites. I was stuck with 1 LT until the last minute I played, that was when I saw I had 1m left of crafting time and since I didn't want to wait anymore I used it; perfect ✨!