Good shops I can open?

Well.... buying and selling collectibles and profiting off of them might be the only way :/

you could try the TBT black market though
I think team building might be something nice for a shop, but I dunno how competitive people here are. Unfortunately there are already so many Pok?mon shops or threads that it'll be hard to make each one offer different services/Pok?mon/items. I only had a temp thread, but I tried to offer my Pok?mon at one of the lowest prices for btb without really losing. I've bumped it quite a bit though xD I had little deals and stuff though that I thought people would like. Offered various prices, and gave a couple for free.

Yeah you kinda have to come into like a real life business. Trying to set your sell apart while trying to get or keep a clientele. I may try it sometime soon. Thats really the only shop idea that i have.
Team building might be a good shop, but I think there are many other forums that offer that with coaching as well.
i'd love to teach you how to use photoshop if you're interested. i can provide the program to you at no cost. if that's too time consuming, then perhaps you can open an art shop? seems like people are consistently looking for art to buy here. dont worry about your skills, you'll improve over time if you keep at it.

This isn't really a contribution to the thread, but is there any way you could also teach me? I'd love to get better at making signatures. So far I've only used online photo editors.
This isn't really a contribution to the thread, but is there any way you could also teach me? I'd love to get better at making signatures. So far I've only used online photo editors.

You can try look for tutorials online. That's how I learned how to use photoshop years ago.
This isn't really a contribution to the thread, but is there any way you could also teach me? I'd love to get better at making signatures. So far I've only used online photo editors.

Honestly, the best way to learn how to use Photoshop is to screw around with it and learn what all the tools do and learn all the effects it can do. That's how I learned! I'm still not a pro, by any means but I can create graphics and stuff.
My suggestion? Try to find something entirely new to earn bells that people aren't already doing, or latch onto something just one or two users are doing if it looks successful. From my experience, the richest users in community markets/economies like TBT tend to come from being the first to a new idea, or smartly noticing when someone else strikes gold on a new idea and stealing it yourself! You can observe this in games with online trading too like MMOs. You won't usually get very far by doing the same thing as everyone else.
I agree a lot with what many of the others have said in this thread. What sells best is when you're the only one selling. Find a demand that isn't being filled and fill it. To be honest, take something you love doing and say "how do I make a shop out of this?" If you love writing, then think of a creative way that writing is being demanded in some way and fill that need with your writing. There's lots of possibilities, many of which you can make directly off of what you like to do if you get creative enough.

Also, that is definitely art good enough to open an art shop with. You don't have to be done in an hour, people who want good art will be patient and you can definitely deliver on that.