Goodbye & Thanks!

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Senior Member
Oct 15, 2023
Throwback Tickets
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but this seemed to be the best match. Anyway, I'm planning to take a break from ACNH starting tomorrow, and I wanted to thank everyone for being so nice. When I first joined the forum, I was just planning to get the fruit I was missing, but the forums drew me in. I was learning a lot of stuff about the game that I never would have learned on my own, people were giving away stuff for free, and I could give stuff away instead of selling it to Nook's Cranny.

Thank you, @S.J. for giving me the fruit I was missing and explaining that I did NOT need to set up furniture barriers when I did exchanges on my island (some advice I'd seen on another website). :LOL: Thank you, @futileberry1214 for doing the shopping and gift exchanges with me and for doing the multiplayer Bug-off with me. Thank you, @Suguri, @ZeldaCrossing64, and @ShawnFuzz for also teaming up with me for the multiplayer Bug-off. Thank you, @lily2816 and @KYM1996 for helping me empty out my storage of the extra DIYs and recipes I had accumulated. Thank you, @Firesquids and @Liz! for helping me fill out my catalogue. Sorry if I missed someone. Everyone has been really friendly and helpful. :D

I can't say right now if I'll be back again. While I'd like to finish all of the Nook's Miles Achievements someday, this game has honestly been kind of stressful. It feels like the developers want everyone to play every day for two years to achieve everything, and I've been playing nearly every day for over a year. The other reason I'm taking a break is because half of this switch actually belongs to my sister, and I've been hogging it for over a year so she deserves to hog it for at least a year now. I'll have to see how I feel about this game in a year. I'm changing my email address back to my main email account, but I'm not sure if Microsoft is allowing emails from TBT to get through now.

Thank you all for everything!
Mountain Elements
Thank you for your time on TBT, Mountain_Elements! And thank you for helping me with my recipe collection and with the Bug-Off! 💜

Just so you know, the games are intended to be played at your own pace, so no need to force yourself to play daily. Just take your time with it!
Thank you for your time on TBT, Mountain_Elements! And thank you for helping me with my recipe collection and with the Bug-Off! 💜

Just so you know, the games are intended to be played at your own pace, so no need to force yourself to play daily. Just take your time with it!
The problem with the idea of the games being played at your own pace is that I don't have much control over the game. I'm supposed to complete Gulliver/Gullivarrr's tasks 59 times to get the golden shovel, but he doesn't even show up every week. After a certain point, new items in the shops are pretty rare even if I'm missing a ton of stuff in my catalogue so I felt obligated to check every day in case THIS TIME there was something new. There are several items that are only available at certain times in the games, and I'm supposed to attend K.K. Slider's concert 100 times to complete that Achievement.

I know that some people time travel to do the time-limited stuff faster, but I don't want to risk messing up my sister's games, and time traveling sounds like a hassle anyway. I think that if I did start playing again after a year, I wouldn't be so stressed because I've filled out most of my catalogue now through buying stuff on this site. I'm just not sure how I'll feel about the game a year from now.
While I barely knew you myself, it was nice seeing kind TBT members help anyone in any way possible.

And you can still stay around the forums for the events that most active TBTers yearn for. Not to mention they really aren't hard (Except for some, like the Stole-iday Season's Scavenger Hunt with the Aurora mind you...) and you can earn collectibles for your efforts.
But I understand if that's not really your thing. So if you ever want to come back, do let us know in a reintroduction thread.
Aww! While it's sad to see you go, it's been fun to meet you, and I'm so glad you've had so much fun with everyone here! 😊💗

I hope your sister enjoys hogging the Switch for a while now! 😅😊 A year is a long time to play, so I hope you enjoy your break from ACNH, and hope everything else in your life goes well for you! 💗
aw I'm sad to see you go, but I understand your decision! I know we've never really interacted before, but I've still appreciated your presence on the forums and enjoyed seeing you around! I'm so glad this community was of help to you!

I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavours; take care! 💜
It's great that you've been able to play NH for over a year and our community has helped you out so much during that time! Unfortunately, we don't allow goodbye threads, so I'll have to lock it here. I hope you'll take care and consider returning to the forums in the future!
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