Gracie is actually a boy

Megamannt125 said:
This prooves Nintendo has nothing against Homosexuals, but that was already prooved when they gave ]They never announced that Gracie liked guys. What are you talking about? They're making fun of the flaming fashion designers. Japan is homophobic, so you can expect a hint of it with Nintendo.

They're also obsessed with androgyny.
big deal like for burdo it was just some character like they dont worry about the gender you know? just design and put it in the game. -sigh- no biggie really.
Wow... What is it with Nintendo and transexuals? First Birdo, then Vivian, and now Gracie? -_-;
This ruined my whole morning, I dont know why I came into this thread, I already disliked the title.


Thanks for that >.<
8 pages and no one says the web designer simply made an accident? o.0
xD I dont think they made a mistake because it told us his Japanese name and how he really is a boy in the Japanese version.
It's not really that easy to accidentally mess up text, an image, AND the gender symbol all together. Somebody would've noticed it by now, anyway.

Also keep in mind that the Japanese are most likely more diligent and specific in their work than us silly Americans. It can't be a mistake. ;D