Gracie is actually a boy

Uhm, ok. I never thought to consider that, although his/her voice is deep. Gracie will never be the same to me.
I was in the City and i talked to an animal and they said that gracie was a she so i guess he even fooled the animals or the european and american versions of the game :S

Lmao at that Bump.
Megamannt125 said:
dragonflamez said:
Megamannt125 said:
dragonflamez said:
Megamannt125 said:
This prooves Nintendo has nothing against Homosexuals, but that was already prooved when they gave ]1. Gracie is obviously a trannie, not a homosexual.
2. Men can wear earring and not be gay.
1. if you look at Gracie as a boy it doesn't look like a tranny because of the short hair and male clothing, and even if he was Transexual most Transexuals are gay

2. True, but his high pitched voice and hip holding does.
And the whole point of being a tranny is you don't feel right being a specific gender, so you get a sex change...but it is a grey area. I'm not sure if it counts as being gay if you get a sex change.

Pah, he's a tranny.
The only thing I see close to being a tranny in that pic is the eyeliner he's wearing Male clothing.
a Transexual is someone who wants to undergo a Sex Change a Transvestite is someone who wears female clothing, there is no evidence that Gracie wants a sex change.
I knew by the pants. Females tend to wear skirt-like dresses and males have pants... granted that they fit, unlike Wilmer. XD
Could be just a human error. You know what the Japanese are like.