Pave being male makes complete sense, though... he's a peacock. Girl peacocks are very flamboyant or colorful!
:O i never knew that.
There is an album cover of K.K. & Pave dancing together in New Leaf XD
Pave being male makes complete sense, though... he's a peacock. Girl peacocks are very flamboyant or colorful!
Pave being male makes complete sense, though... he's a peacock. Girl peacocks are very flamboyant or colorful!
I found out through watching Lin&ko that Gracie is male in the japanese versions, but I didn't know that about Saharah
don't you mean male peacocks....? peahens are like most other female birds.... not very colorful, and they don't have the long tail feathers either.
male on left, female on right
I have to wonder how I would have reacted to Gracie being male as a kid. I'm not sure if I would just shrug it off and be like "ok, so it's a guy that looks like a girl..... whatever" or if I would deny the fact that he was male all together xD. One of my favorite villagers (the blue horse Ed) looks pretty feminine... and he was my favorite villager. I also don't know if I originally thought he was female before talking to him..... guess it doesn't matter in the long run xD
don't you mean male peacocks....? peahens are like most other female birds.... not very colorful, and they don't have the long tail feathers either.
Wow. Gracie just got even more FABULOUS.
Wow. Gracie just got even more FABULOUS.
Gracie is male in Europe WW.
Apparently Canada and the United states are too ******** to handle a guy who talks/dresses like a girl. No surprise here.
I think it could've easily had been misinterpreted by North America. Grace is typically recognized as a female name, and the character is blatantly feminine. The mistaken gender isn't much of a shock to me. There's also the fact that effeminate men are nothing new in the fashion world, and are in fact rather common, so I doubt it was done out of censorship. As a child, I never really thought twice about Gracie's gender, even with the male voice, I interpreted him as a female.
I never thought about it either, I'm guessing a lot of people either assume its a girl or a guy depending. So why change it at all? Seems like a lot of localization is a waste of time IMO. The game could be released faster if they excluded uselsss crap like changing Gracie to a girl.
Did they though? I haven't really looked into it..
I don't remember any characters specifically referring to Gracie as "him" or "her".