Gracie is Male?!

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Wow. Gracie just got even more FABULOUS.


The late great Freddie \m/ :D.

Anyhow back on topic, had heard about Gracie being male but not about Saharah before.....learned something new there lol :D.
In the EU versions of Animal Crossing, Gracie was a boy. But they changed his/her voice in City Folk to a girl. Also, the bubble turned pink from blue.
I can also see it being confusing because Gracie is the "face" of Ms. Nintendique magazine...
They should have made Gracie a mollusk since his gender seems to be switching back and forth so often.
oh jeez i did not know this! lol it seems as if they sometimes change the gender for certain characters in games in japan for some reason... for example in paper mario the thousand year door there is a character named vivian and in the japanese version 'she' is actually a boy!
Yeah! All this gender changing Nintendo does makes things soo confusing XD
Yeah! All this gender changing Nintendo does makes things soo confusing XD

It's just the localization teams that do the changes. They try to make it more country friendly so they don't confuse or upset anybody playing the game.

Normal players will never know that Gracie is a male in Japan. We know because we're all obsessed and part of a community of likeminded obsessers.
I found out Gracie was a man in Japan a year or two ago. Of course when I found this out I rolled on the floor laughing. I loved the idea of it. Ever since then I've had a lot of trouble picturing Gracie as a girl. For one reason or another picturing a male fashion expert telling me an outfit is so wrong for my figure is a lot better than some catty snobby witch-woman telling me the same thing. xD So to me, Gracie is a man in my games.
Because a male character couldn't possibly ever wear eye shadow and work in the fashion industry. That's a woman's job! 9_9
Gracie was refered to as female in the European versions of the game too. Thats how she/he has always come across in my game. Don't see why it should be changed. It is 2013 right?
I can go with Gracie being male. But I'm still muttering "*****" when he puts down my outfit.

ooo, a censor of the word that rhymes with witch...better than getting smacked by the ACC mods for something far tamer

Ack I love this, so true (your censor sentence, hahahahahahaha :D)
I think of Gracie as a very fabulous and fashion conscious male even in my US versions.

Though while I can understand how Gracie's outfit would make more conservative countries want to make him a woman to be on the safe side, the whole "Saharah has long eyelashes thus is a girl" is a bit annoying. Camels have prominent eyelashes naturally, to keep the sand out of their eyes. That and Saharah isn't even dressed feminine at all. He has an open vest on.
Fight the man, Pav?. Fight the man! They aint gonna keep you down!

I'm gonna picture Grace as a guy forever. xD I love that thought way too much.
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