GracieGrace Sale Starts Today :3


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
Gracie's sale starts today, some stuff is already sold out D;

For all your people wondering how it works, i'll quote someone from another forum:
Gracies stock will go on sale this month - 20% off starting Jan 15th, 30% off starting Jan 21st, 50% off Jan 26th.

The Catch: Items will be progressively sold out, so risky to expect a particular item to still be available but It's a way of picking up one or two items and getting the rest of the set next time around (on the assumption the gorgeous set will be available again in Nov 09).
thanks! this is really helpful since i'm not specifically trained to go the city each day. moreover, i've so far been spending my bells on other things in the game and wouldn't want to miss out on the series until the 2nd time around (later this year).
neverbeenkrissed said:
thanks! this is really helpful since i'm not specifically trained to go the city each day. moreover, i've so far been spending my bells on other things in the game and wouldn't want to miss out on the series until the 2nd time around (later this year).
Well you might be a bit late then, as I said in my first post stuff sells out as the sale goes on o.0
Jas0n said:
neverbeenkrissed said:
thanks! this is really helpful since i'm not specifically trained to go the city each day. moreover, i've so far been spending my bells on other things in the game and wouldn't want to miss out on the series until the 2nd time around (later this year).
Well you might be a bit late then, as I said in my first post stuff sells out as the sale goes on o.0
right i know, but at least i'll be getting to it now rather than later when there are fewer items. :)
Cool, a sale. So that means, that the princess set will be available from GracieGrace after the sell right? Changes each season I believe.
bdubs2594 said:
Cool, a sale. So that means, that the princess set will be available from GracieGrace after the sell right? Changes each season I believe.
That is correct, sir. Although it changes 1 month before it changes season, like shops in real life.
Wow half the store was sold out when I checked. Just curious but are the number of sold out items the same for everyone or different? I've heard of people being sold out before today and wondered if they TTed.
Although I'm saving for the Spring set anyway but if the chair is still there at 50% off I'll grab it cause it looks classy. XD
cool thanks for the info. I want the whole set and i have 1.6 million i the bank so i should have enough
she is sold out of 3 things! i tt back a day and she still was. so i am not going to buy anything!