Hi! I'm Kolya (29) and I've been gaming ever since my cousin gave me his Atari 2600 over 25 years ago (wow). The last Animal Crossing I played was the original one for the Gamecube, this is mostly because I swore off Nintendo with the advent of the Wii. Fire Emblem: Awakening was the push I needed to go buy a 3DS XL and finally end my self-imposed hiatus with Nintendo. Now I carry this thing where ever I go, I'm more likely to forget to bring my wallet than I am to forget my 3DS, lol!
Currently I play a lot of Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion and Fire Emblem: Awakening, occasionally Resident Evil: Revelations and I only wish MH3U had an online multiplayer for the 3DS...
Feel free to add me to your friend list, my FC is 1091-8155-9317.
I'm a pixel artist so you can expect to see a lot of custom textures and designs if you visit my town, lol.
Happy gaming!
Currently I play a lot of Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion and Fire Emblem: Awakening, occasionally Resident Evil: Revelations and I only wish MH3U had an online multiplayer for the 3DS...
Feel free to add me to your friend list, my FC is 1091-8155-9317.
I'm a pixel artist so you can expect to see a lot of custom textures and designs if you visit my town, lol.
Happy gaming!