Grumpy Cat has died

That is so sad. I am literally in tears right now. Poor thing. She was loved by millions but my heart goes out to her family.
It's always sad to hear about pets dying like this. They're just such cute and innocent creatures. Especially at such a young age like 7. Rest in peace, Tardar Sauce.
Yeah, that made me pretty sad. There's certain pets out there on the internet that I'm a big fan of. Tardar Sauce is just one of them. She's the first that has passed away so far. :(
I was sad about that this morning when I saw it. But I'm glad her owners shared her with so many people and made us all smile. She'll live on forever in memes!
I got very sad when I heard about these news. I really liked Grumpy Cat, it's sad that she died
so young. Rest in peace you cute little angel.
first peepee and now this :(

Exactly omg I loved peepee's tweets so hecking much /sobs

And now grumpy cat???
I'm so sad and I'm sending all of my thoughts to them.
You cannot fool me! I refuse that grumpy cat is dead.
She is alive and well!

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She was only 7
Oh yeah she died yesterday.....
She will live in our memes
like gabe the dog