Guess what?


Oct 18, 2012
Black Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
Blue Feather
Fair Pinwheel
Yellow Feather
100% (36) +
If you guessed I'm looking for mature, active, and respectable friends, you guessed right!

I have a decent amount of friends, but I'd still like a little more. :)

Rules of my town, of which any that are broken, results in turning my wifi off and deleting your code:

Don't take anything without my permission, wether it be things I may have laying on the ground or fruit/flowers.

Absolutely no running. At all.

Stay on the path, of which I spent a considerable amount of time laying.

Be respectful to anyone else that may be in my town. If any rude comments or arguments break out, I won't hesitate to turn the wifi switch off.

So, if anyone would like to be friends, my friend code is right on my profile! :) Happy crossings~
Hi Im a mature, active, and respectable person.Id love to come to ur town to visit if thats ok.
hiya. i'd love to be friends with you as well, and will gladly follow your rules. ~adding you~
I'd love to play with you! My FC is right on the side and I always follow the rules since I hate when people don't follow mine, I think it's just common sense to respect the town of someone else ~
(I also have information about my town (rules and adventures and whatnot) on my blog in my signature ~)
I'd love to be friends and your rules seem similar to mine. ^^
(being best friends in game is very convenient, by the way. ^^)
I've already added you and is excited to play! :D
~Can't wait '^^'
Also, if you are looking for an active player, you have found her! lol xD
LittleDryad/ThePurpleCakes: I added both of you! Are either of you going to be available in another 30 minutes or so? That's when I'll be able to play for a while.
Hello Lunatic!
I'd sure be friends with you! Im as well looking for some mature friends :)
Already added you to my friends list, just waiting for your confirmation!
Hope to see you soon in game, take care.
What are your play times lunatic? I have the same rules for my town so I think we'd be a good match but I play at night mostly. PST
I'd love to play with both of you. Can't add you both right now, as I am playing with people. But as soon as I get a chance, I'll add both of you. May I ask your towns/characters names?

Edit: Fink, you and I would make good friends! I also Wi-fi at night. ^^
Mature and usually active at this hour. Desperately seeking a town to take Katie to right now.
I'd love to play with both of you. Can't add you both right now, as I am playing with people. But as soon as I get a chance, I'll add both of you. May I ask your towns/characters names?

Edit: Fink, you and I would make good friends! I also Wi-fi at night. ^^

okies i'll add you :3 add me back whenever and we can play sometime