Guide: Eight Degrees of Wendell


~the millennium is now~
Apr 29, 2010
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
20 Envelopes
5 Envelopes

<big>Eight Degrees of Wendell</big>

<big>Step 1</big>

Buy some red turnip seeds from Joan and plant it in the ground.
Next time you see Wendell, give him a red turnip you will
either get the Country Guitar or the turban.

<big>Step 2A*</big>

*if you got the Country Guitar
wait until saturday, go to the roost, meet K.K. slider
and give him the Country Guitar. if you give it to him
you will get K.K. Slider's Picture.

<big>Step 2B*</big>
*if you got the Turban.
Next time when Saharah comes into town,
give her the turban and you will either get the Massage chair
or the red vase.

<big>Step 3A*</big>
*if you got the red vase
Next time when Redd comes into town,
give him the red vase and you will get a safe

<big>Step 3B*</big>
*if you got the massage chair
wait until the Fishing Tourney, Bug-off, Fireworks
or the New years Celebration, talk to Tortimer and give
him the Massage chair and you will get a scallop.

<big>Step 4A*</big>
*if you got the safe
go to Nook's cranny, Nookway, Nook 'n' Go, or Nookingtons
and talk to tom nook and give him the safe and you will get
tom nooks Picture!

<big>Step 4B*</big>
*if you get the scallop
next time when pascal comes into town talk to him and
give him the scallop and you will either get: Golden axe or
Pascals Picture.

I Hope this helps!
KrazyK095 said:
Thanks, that's quite useful. Can't you find Scallops on the beach anyway?
Unlike in City Folk, No.
"Buy a red turnip from Joan and plant it in the ground.
Next time you see Wendell, give him a red turnip you will
either get the Country Guitar or the turban."
How can you give him a red turnip if you have planted the one you bought in the ground?
Do you buy to red turnips ?
How do you give Tom nook the safe, do you just sell it to him and he gives you his picture?
Took me a long time to find out how to get the golden axe, Knowing my luck i will probably get Pascals picture ( after all i have been through trying to get the golden axe )
10/10 Good guide, it will help those who are new to the game and those who dont know how to get the golden axe.
You described everything in good detail, Great guide =) .
Tom Nuke said:
1"Buy a red turnip from Joan and plant it in the ground.
Next time you see Wendell, give him a red turnip you will
either get the Country Guitar or the turban."
How can you give him a red turnip if you have planted the one you bought in the ground?
Do you buy to red turnips ?
2How do you give Tom nook the safe, do you just sell it to him and he gives you his picture?
Took me a long time to find out how to get the golden axe, Knowing my luck i will probably get Pascals picture ( after all i have been through trying to get the golden axe )
10/10 Good guide, it will help those who are new to the game and those who dont know how to get the golden axe.
You described everything in good detail, Great guide =) .
1. that has been fixed

2. you give it to him (there is an option.)
If you say Gold Axe to Pascal's question, I have ALWAYS gotten a gold axe from him, so say that. You can easily get his Pic as a random item he hands out.
Ooooor you could just catalog a Massage Chair, give it to Tortimer and wait for Pascal to arrive at your beach.