Guilt over kicking a villager out

I felt REALLY bad after kicking Bubbles out, she was one of my starters and I kept her for a long time (I kicked her out for Audie, who it took me a really long time to like). I don't know what changed, I think I just got really excited about freshing up my villagers. Then I checked my mailbox and I had mail from her and she told me she was so happy she lived on the island with me and I was sick to my stomach, no joke lol. I don't know why, but I just felt so BAD! I bought her amiibo, just incase I ever decide I want to bring her back.
Oh, yes. I almost cried when Bluebear left my island. I have a 'dreamlist' according to the theme of my island I'm pretty happy with but everytime someone leaves, I wanna cry for real. They are so cute, so smiling, so... just I can't. They truly love you and you can see it. They are so adorable, even if they are considered are ugly and don't judge you, that's why Animal Crossing makes me sad sometimes.
I am an evil man who shed no tears for those 9 of the 10 starting villagers I kicked out via amiibo. You must embrace the feeling, and follow it my friend! :)
Think of it less as kicking them out, and more as making sure your best buds can move in.
Oh I definitely feel this way sometimes, too. I remember kicking Colton out when Sherb appeared in my campsite and I felt so bad, lol. Colton hadn't done anything wrong he was just one of the few I'd be okay with letting go and honestly I feel like not getting a goodbye letter in this game hurts even more!!

I've also let Beau move out but I didn't feel as bad about him because I have him in my New Leaf town and I have his amiibo card. Plus I had three lazies, lol. I do still feel a bit of guilt when I kick somebody out :( Letting them move away when they ask doesn't feel quite as mean because of their little, "Oh I want to see the world!" speeches or whatever they say but when I boot them out for a campsite villager it's so abrupt and I feel bad D:
Ah I know the feeling.. Speaking of which, I still feel the guilt about kicking out flurry, flo, moe, and lyman... they've done nothing wrong but I just don't have space for everyone. And I especially feel bad for kicking out the villagers that are not as popular/cute because i know the chance of them getting successfully rehomed is very slim...but what can you do when you finally have that dreamie villager show up in the campsite (or available for adoption from others?).. tradeoff has to be made.

The ones I have amiibo cards though, i don't really feel bad about XD, only because I miss them i can always get them back easily haha.
I thought you were going to say it was Joey you were having guilt over....cuz not gonna lie, when you go to say goodbye to a lazy and they tell you 'I don't know where I'm going yet, but I guess I'll find out.'...kinda rough.
Oh, boy, now I’m never going to let anyone leave, that’s rough... ><
Not guilt, but I was ready to let Maggie go, though not super impatient, just trying to let more villagers move for now so I can get an understanding of who my favorites are and I have had her since October have had her picture a whole etc etc. But now that she asked I feel such ridiculous sadness. She’s so cute, I hope I am not making a mistake 😭 and feel anxiety over the possibility I will regret it. But I tell myself I can find her again or buy her amiibo someday if I need her back.
yeah, I always feel sad too when kicking villagers out. thats why I always try to find them good homes to go to where they are that person's dreamy. the hardest villager I had to let go was sylvana. I still feel sad about this, but I try to remember that the person who adopted her was super excited and thankful to get her (I gave her away for free). also I try to remind myself that in NH you can easily get your villager back (dont have to cycle through 16 like in NL) and if I'm really sad about it (like in real life) then I'd do that.
I can really relate to this.

Over the last couple of months, I have made the decision to kick out some babies that I never thought I would let leave my island. Most of these villagers, I don't have amiibo cards for, which adds to the toughness of kicking them out.

I have recently let go of Diana which really made me feel bad, because she is an all-time favourite and she had being on my island since around April or May of last year. But I finally let her go, because I have her picture, and it was time for a change. I felt sad and guilty though.

Another hard one was Zucker... Which now I'm thinking about it, I really regret getting rid of him. He's such a good boy, and he would fit nicely with the theme I currently have for my island. I think if I ever was to run into him again on an island hop, I will take him back. The amount of guilt I felt letting him go was worse than Diana... But he went to a good home, so that's something.

I get really attached to my villagers, which might be half the problem. I really could kick Julian out as well since I have 2 photos of him now. But I can't bring myself to do it. 🥺 🤔
I don't feel that bad for kicking villagers out. They are just chat bots and, except for the ones for whom there are no Amiboos, it's easy to bring them back later.

I feel a little guilt when I have a villager on my island more than once and kick them out repeatedly before earning their photo (for me, Norma and Cheri), but then again I may be playing this game for years and will get around to inviting them again and earning their photos later.

I don't feel that bad for kicking them out after I earn their photo. And even some of those, I invite back. Ankha is a favorite and I imagine I will invite Knox back later too. And Kidd. Some villagers you just miss and want to invite back.