I can really relate to this.
Over the last couple of months, I have made the decision to kick out some babies that I never thought I would let leave my island. Most of these villagers, I don't have amiibo cards for, which adds to the toughness of kicking them out.
I have recently let go of Diana which really made me feel bad, because she is an all-time favourite and she had being on my island since around April or May of last year. But I finally let her go, because I have her picture, and it was time for a change. I felt sad and guilty though.
Another hard one was Zucker... Which now I'm thinking about it, I really regret getting rid of him. He's such a good boy, and he would fit nicely with the theme I currently have for my island. I think if I ever was to run into him again on an island hop, I will take him back. The amount of guilt I felt letting him go was worse than Diana... But he went to a good home, so that's something.
I get really attached to my villagers, which might be half the problem. I really could kick Julian out as well since I have 2 photos of him now. But I can't bring myself to do it.