Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
I would love 3 Wooden Bookshelves. I have 15 books and 30 wood on hand.
I would also love a Crescent Moon Chair. I have the 7 regular star fragments but I do not have a large star fragment. How many tbt would you want for this service?
I would love 3 Wooden Bookshelves. I have 15 books and 30 wood on hand.
I would also love a Crescent Moon Chair. I have the 7 regular star fragments but I do not have a large star fragment. How many tbt would you want for this service?
For a singular large star fragment? Hmm 3tbt?

Edit: If you happen to have one of the last few things on my wishlist I'd take that too and I'd supply the materials for the chair for free! I don't have any wood or I'd offer the bookcases too.
For a singular large star fragment? Hmm 3tbt?

Edit: If you happen to have one of the last few things on my wishlist I'd take that too and I'd supply the materials for the chair for free! I don't have any wood or I'd offer the bookcases too.
I sent the tbt over but I just remembered I have an appointment. I'll check back in roughly an hour or two, sorry about the inconvenience
Can I get a Pyramid, Statue of Liberty, and Sphinx for 150 TBT?

Also, what would you be asking in exchange for a tarantula model?
Can I get a Pyramid, Statue of Liberty, and Sphinx for 150 TBT?

Also, what would you be asking in exchange for a tarantula model?
Hii! If you're still interested I'm available whenever you are! For the tarantula model how was 10-15tbt sound?

Hi, I would like to have 50 nmts if you still have any. 🙂
For sure! Lmk if you're still interested and I'll send you a dodo!

IGN Stephanie
Island Name:Oran Myst
Item: 1 gray Tam O Shanter
Payment: 10 TBT
Lmk if you're still interested and I'll send you a dodo!

ant model for 10 tbt? or can make a deal with the den desk you need
Hii! I actually forgot to update my wishlist but I already obtained the den desk. So the 10tbt are fine if you're still interested!
Hii! If you're still interested I'm available whenever you are! For the tarantula model how was 10-15tbt sound?

That sounds good, so 160 TBT total. DM me with your Dodo Code, and this is the first time in a while I've used TBT for payment, so forgive me if it takes a while to figure it out
Hii! If you're still interested I'm available whenever you are! For the tarantula model how was 10-15tbt sound?

For sure! Lmk if you're still interested and I'll send you a dodo!

Lmk if you're still interested and I'll send you a dodo!

Hii! I actually forgot to update my wishlist but I already obtained the den desk. So the 10tbt are fine if you're still interested!
yes I am, just let me know when we can trade :)