Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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good morning!

In-game name: xara
Island Name: axolotl
Item(s): scorpio lamp diy
Payment offer: rose bed diy + matryoshka diy + whatever amount of tbt?
good morning!

In-game name: xara
Island Name: axolotl
Item(s): scorpio lamp diy
Payment offer: rose bed diy + matryoshka diy + whatever amount of tbt?
Good morning! Whatever you think is fair! Maybe like 20-30? And give me a quick second to finish my breakfast and I'll send you a dodo!
Crafting service form
Island Name: Dia
Items you want crafted: Nova lightx2, moon, rocket, galaxy flooring
Payment: 5 tbt
Your island or my island: mine is fine, I have the mats out by the diy bench.
Crafting service form
Island Name: Dia
Items you want crafted: Nova lightx2, moon, rocket, galaxy flooring
Payment: 5 tbt
Your island or my island: mine is fine, I have the mats out by the diy bench.
Go ahead and send me a dodo whenever you're ready!
Order form
In-game name: Quinnie
Island Name: Mochi
Brown streetlamp
Pink drink machine
Shell fountain DIY
Payment offer: 4NMT?
From your wishlist I have: Cotton-candy stall - blue, Springy ride-on - yellow, Colorful wheel - items, Drink machine - blue, Lighthouse - red & Elaborate kimono stand - wisteria
Interested in: Moon DIY, Nova Light DIY & Sci-fi Wall DIY
From your wishlist I have: Cotton-candy stall - blue, Springy ride-on - yellow, Colorful wheel - items, Drink machine - blue, Lighthouse - red & Elaborate kimono stand - wisteria
Interested in: Moon DIY, Nova Light DIY & Sci-fi Wall DIY
Yeah that's fine! If it's ok could we trade tomorrow since its pretty late for me?
In-game name: Isabelle
Island Name: Lonalulu
Item(s): Mom's knapsack (cherries), mom's cushion, mom's tea cozy x2, mom's art (field of flowers), mom's candles, mom's embroidery, mom's sweater (teddy bear), mom's apron (fruits)
Payment offer: Would 120 tbt + 600k + matryoshka DIY be okay?
In-game name: Isabelle
Island Name: Lonalulu
Item(s): Mom's knapsack (cherries), mom's cushion, mom's tea cozy x2, mom's art (field of flowers), mom's candles, mom's embroidery, mom's sweater (teddy bear), mom's apron (fruits)
Payment offer: Would 120 tbt + 600k + matryoshka DIY be okay?
That's fine! Sorry for the late reply I was sleeping. I'll pm you with a dodo as soon as I'm ready!
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