Someone I am very close to lost a loved one due to violence. And guess what, a gun is NOT what killed her. She was stabbed to death. With a knife any person can go to the store and buy! What don't you get, banning guns wont stop violence! It will always exist. Guns wont help stop it either! I never said that! It is something people should have incase someone tries to hurt them. Don't even say that wouldn't happen if guns didn't exist. Someone local who is almost my age is in jail for attempted murder, he stomped the poor boys head in the concrete and left him there to die! He didn't have a gun on him! Just him, his buddies, and their two feet. All over forty flippin dollars... they did that to the poor kid for FORTY DOLLARS... while they flash their Gucci belts they're trying to steal a 15 year olds allowance for what though? weed? pills? vodka? you must not know how crazy people can get?
My brother is a black belt. My dad is an EIGHTH DEGREE BLACK BELT. Do you know that one full forced round house or superman punch can kill someone instantly with blunt force trauma? Does that mean it should be illegal too? come on now...
You don't seem to get what I'm saying... You don't need to be threatened with a gun to fall victim to somebody....
I felt like the sentences I highlighted were rude, calm down a bit. This is how flame wars start, lol.
To that first paragraph:
What about the people who are killed by guns in the US? There are tens of thousands who die per year because of these things, yes people will still die because of guns but it the amount of deaths would drop drastically because like many people have said "there are good people and there are bad people", people may die because of guns unintentionally whereas you can't abuse or stab some directly and say "oh, woopsies sorry I didn't see you even when you were right there", this is because a gun is a long range weapon but your fists and feet are close range as are knives, mistakes happen and there is no mistake with close ranged weapons.
Violence will never end, never, that is true but the amount of deaths by gun will decrease.
To the second paragraph:
Yeah your brother and father should be thrown into prison if they start abusing people randomly, people should be thrown into prison if they harm another person intentionally, it has always been that way. However your brother and father and many people just like them are good people who follow the law and will only use there fists, feet and so on if needed, correct? I am aware that what you described can happen, in fact it happened recently to a family friend however it isn't as likely and will not happen unless that person did it intentionally. Guns can kill people intentionally or not, you can't get into a fight without the intent to harm, my family friend got into a fight with another family friend, family friend 2 aimed at him, hit him and killed him with one punch, that was an accident of course, but the fight wasn't and he has been thrown into prison anyway.
To the last paragraph:
No, you should, you can never trust people and people are the ones who pull the trigger however guns are the equipment specifically designed to murder or injure people beyond repair. Guns just add to peoples fears, yes knives are scary, peoples fists are scary and the scariest of them all are guns because guns kill more people annually, a lot more. People are afraid and opposed to them because they are so easily accessible and can fall into the wrong hands easily, nobody can be trusted and that alone is something to fear because some random person on the street could kill you, that person may take your life by beating, stabbing and the most likely...shooting you with a gun, you may survive the first two although it is unlikely but a gun will definitely kill you, there is a tiny chance you can survive a shot to the head or chest.