Halloween Candy


Team Popsicle <3
Jul 14, 2013
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
So I've been curious, what do you guys prefer to do during Halloween? Do you prefer going out to trick or treat, or chilling at home and passing out candy?

What kind of candy do you like to pass out during Halloween, and what kind of candy do you like to receive the most from trick-or-treating? :3

For me, I prefer chilling at home now and passing out candy! I like passing out chocolate like recess cups, kit kats, and hersheys. When I used to trick-or-treat I would always love receiving chocolate candy bars! Especially recess cups, since those were my favorites hahaha
I just chill at home. If I can, maybe pass out candy. I'm poor af though, so...just ignore the bells or tell them disappointing news. :/
no traditions, it's different every year. last year i was a part of my friends haunted house, this year i'm going to universal studios haunted park thing, and probably the haunted trail here which is pretty fun

I prefer passing out candies. What sucked about it is that in the last two years, it rained where I live, on Halloween night (so we didn’t get to pass out anymore candy).
I?ve never celebrated Halloween because my mom thinks it?s evil :rolleyes: She won?t even buy candy so I just feel terrible when people ring our bell and I have to put a paper out that says ?no candy, sorry? I?ve only gone trick or treating once and that was with a friend she trusted a lot lol

So I just chill at home, I get my Halloween fix from the events at school and playing games that do celebrate it.
buy candy or steal them from my siblings who went trick or treating. after, i chill at home and watch movies with friends.
Neither, unfortunately. I’m in university so there’s not really an opportunity to do either.
I give out bags of lollies to whoever knocks on the door.

This time I'll be holding a machete and wearing a Michael Myers mask.
i like staying at home handing out treats, i'm 24 so i'd feel like an ass if i went out (although i'm sure i could pass as a teenager lol)

plus i love seeing all the tiny ones in their oversized costumes and seeing their faces light up when you give them something, it's the best
I like shutting myself in my room and making my parents pass out the candy!
I do not candy hunt anymore, but I wish I got to dress up!
My favorite candies are the modern SweeTarts and the Reese's Pumpkins.
I hope to do more to celebrate in the future. :)
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I throw Halloween parties every year, though it's around that week, not always the day. I pass out candy bags for kids when Halloween night is celebrated in my town, it usually falls on the earliest weekend day to Halloween. And I like to go the haunted house tours and the horror mazes/gimmicky places.

Oh and for what kind of candy, I try to make up bags that have a bit of everything. We do bags that feature no chocolate too, since we actually have some local kids who are allergic :) I don't personally like candy that much, and don't really go out of my way to eat it.
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I don't do either. I am definitely too old to trick or treat. I did as a child though. Since I have moved from home, I have always lived in apartment, and people don't really trick or treat at apartment buildings here. Which is funny to me. They could hit a ton of people at once while trick or treating in a warm building. But oh well. So I have never had to hand out candy. Sometimes I buy it anyways for myself. Haha. It's how I adult trick or treat. I also love the peanut butter cups. My favourite since I was young. My brother and I used to love when people handed out pop or juice with their treats too. This one house had hardly any trick or treaters and they had full size chocolate bars and they gave us a ton. That was cool as a kid. And one year, I kid you not, the clouds above we were shaped like a witch. That is a true story!
I haven't gone trick or treating in over a decade now. I prefer to stay at home, watching horror movies and passing out candy to the trick or treaters who come around. As for what I pass out, generally stuff I like, so Kit Kats and Reese's, or sometimes Hershey or those Halloween shaped pretzels.
We used to love giving out tons of candy when we owned our home. Since we moved into our apartment 2 years ago we haven't had 1 single Trick or Treater. :( We still buy candy in the hopes of giving some out. We get together as a family on Halloween, watch scary movies or Halloween cartoons & have dinner. I'm hoping we finally get some Trick or Treaters this Halloween. *crosses finger*

My favorite candy when I did Trick or Treat way back in ye olden days of the 1970s & 1980s were 3 Musketeer Bars or Reeses PEanut Butter Cups.
I like passing out candy but I live in an apartment on a college campus so I can't do that :( so usually I stay home with my SO and we watch movies and eat candy :)

this halloween I have a meeting after work tho so I'll have less time for movies and candy ;(