Trading Halloween Contest ! Dreamies up for Grabs! WINNERS ON FIRST POST!

Yayyy finally won something ^-^ Andddd I'm off to stalk cycling threads for Rosie.
Ahh! T-T Thank you so much! <3 I can't believe I won. Thanks so much, Gamergirladvance, for this great contest!
Congrats, Kookey.
hehe i'm totally not gonna come to your house and steal your nintendo to get your dreamie..
What, what? I didn't say anything!
Wow, this was a lovely surprise to come back to! Thank you judges, I'm glad you enjoyed my story, and thank you GGA for holding this lovely contest! More than anything it was fun, and it was very generous of you.

Congratulations to Kookey and enjoy your well-deserved win when he's there! ;)
Congrats winners! Kookey, I read your story, and it was incredibly well written! Well done :D