Trading Hamlet the Jock Hamster is Moving!


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2013
Yellow Candy
Blue Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Green Candy
Blue Candy
Red Candy
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
100% (24) +
Villager you’re trading: Hamlet
Villager(s) you’re looking for: Octavian or any octopus, Sterling, Mira, Diana, Fauna, Merengue, Stitches, Kid Cat, Genji
Date they’re moving: 11/17/13
Species/Personality: Hamster/Jock
Do villagers offered to you have to be in boxes? No but they have to be once they pick up Hamlet.
Additional info: I have 10 villagers right now so you have to pick up Hamlet first. Also feel free to make other offers if you don't have the villagers I'm looking for.

If I don't get any villager offers I'll just try to sell him.

Reserved for Emilyy who offered 20 million
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My sis (sej) Really wants hamlet are you offering him? Soz if ur not lol. what are you wanting for hamlet?
My sis (sej) Really wants hamlet are you offering him? Soz if ur not lol. what are you wanting for hamlet?
Does your sis have any villagers she could offer or maybe bells?

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That is a great offer and if no one offers any villagers or more bells in the next couple of days you can have him. :)
Oh my god 20 million?! Sej's villagers are:
Katt, Anicotti(leaving in 2 days), Keaton, Twiggy(keeping), Stinky, Blaire, sally and I think it is spelt eneese or enise or whatever.
I know someone who has Genji. Just saying.

But I reallyreallyreallyreally want him. He is one of my final dreamies. I don't have much to offer, only a few mil. And a loving home.

But I understand you'll probably go for the 20mil :)

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Oh my god 20 million?! Sej's villagers are:
Katt, Anicotti(leaving in 2 days), Keaton, Twiggy(keeping), Stinky, Blaire, sally and I think it is spelt eneese or enise or whatever.

Eunice. c;
I know someone who has Genji. Just saying.

But I reallyreallyreallyreally want him. He is one of my final dreamies. I don't have much to offer, only a few mil. And a loving home.

But I understand you'll probably go for the 20mil :)
If you or the person who has Genji would trade Genji for Hamlet I'd be interested in that.
Well, Genji moved into Miss Renee's cycling town. I don't 'know' her, but if I managed to nab him for you if you weren't online I'd trade. Unfortunately I don't think this would work out, so I guess I'll find him someplace else :)
Well that's sad to hear but if anyone offered a villager I'm looking for or would be interested in I'd definitely consider turning down bells for them.
Yeah. Well good luck selling him/getting your dreamies. I hope to find Hamlet elsewhere c:
Jess & Punk.. I know Ren?e very well, I'm sure she'd be happy to reserve Genji for you :)

You don't get anywhere without asking! :)
I may not get him. She may prefer bells to villagers. I mean, 20mil? Gosh.

Marshal and Julian are pretty popular, and not many people want Hamlet so people just sorta don't bother with him. I just really want him as I am 2 off complete dreamie list :3

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I may not get him. She may prefer bells to villagers. I mean, 20mil? Gosh.

Marshal and Julian are pretty popular, and not many people want Hamlet so people just sorta don't bother with him. I just really want him as I am 2 off complete dreamie list :3

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Post ninja'd

i love hamlet and have been searching for about a month so c:
the only time ive seen a thread was when i was at the hairdressers and couldnt claim him ahahahah so naturally im gonna go crazy when i see a thread :)
Ahaha, I see a dreamie thread, I pounce on it, 75% of the time the trade is already secured :p
So right now Emilyy will have Hamlet since she's offering so much but if Genji becomes a sure thing or one of my dreamies then I'll do that trade.