Handheld Consoles vs Home Consoles

Handheld vs Home

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Hanging on the edge of tomorrow
May 28, 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
Corrupted Rainbow Candy
Yellow Candy
Corrupted Rainbow Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Which is better: having a more powerful console that you can only really use at home, or a less powerful one that you can take wherever you want?

I don’t really have a preference. They’re both good for their own things.
I talked about this on another thread, but for Nintendo specifically, I strongly prefer handhelds. I have an XBOX Series X, and I prefer to only have one console hooked up to the television at a time. The games I mainly play release on the XBOX, so I like to keep it hooked up for easy access.
I consider myself a casual player (I don't like being called a "gamer"), so I prefer handheld consoles. As long as the game in the handheld is fun, it's all good for me.
Just whichever one has the specific game I want to play at the time. I more often end up playing on the TV, but I still play 3DS and Switch handheld a bunch too.
As someone who just played Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the car and have recently played it in a hotel room, you probably know my answer. Less power for more portability.
I've always preferred handheld consoles. I like holding my console in my hands while I play, and I prefer the gaming screen to be a part of the console rather than a separate screen. I have an easier time gaming when the screen and controls are on the same device, if that makes sense.

I also like the portability of handheld consoles! I rarely bring my gaming consoles out and about with me these days, but I still like having the ability to do so if I ever want to. Handhelds are often less expensive as well!
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Handheld 100%!! I like laying on my tummy a lot of the times when I play casual games, which I can't do when i'm on PC. :] I think that's why I have such a solid bias for handheld games compared to PC games, even though I have lots of PC games. I haven't touched my PC games for so long 😅 plus with handheld games I can switch between my iPad games & my switch games, and for the most part I'm obsessed with the games on there!
PC above all, does that count as a home console?

I prefer handhelds to traditional home consoles most of the time though, less bloated OSes, more convinient and I prefer a lot of their libraries. The 3DS is the best.
I’ve been preferring handheld lately to consoles like my ps4. I like being able to lay down while playing my games and the option to bring it with me if I’m going somewhere. I rarely leave the house but it’s still nice to have the option in case there comes a time when I have to go somewhere like to my sister’s.
Depends on my mood and what phase of my life I’m in. If I’m really busy and need to do car trips and I have nothing else to do in the car I prefer handhelds. I don’t enjoy using them for long periods of time though because I get eye strain from them easily thanks to my eye condition. I find most handhelds uncomfortable to hold without a grip too. I didn’t use my Switch in handheld mode much until I bought a third party grip a few weeks ago since I hated how the system felt in my hands.

For longer sessions or when I’m at home I prefer consoles for sure. Playing on the TV is easier on my eyes for longer sessions and console controllers are way more comfortable than handhelds by themselves.

I hope Nintendo continues the hybrid thing since the Switch is the best of both worlds.
I like both. But I enjoy playing the Switch hooked up to a TV more than handheld. It's there as a convenience, but I prefer the bigger screen. Now if the joycons were just garbage it might be voted higher by me, but the pro controller makes it an easy decision for me.
Handheld - it’s a lot easier when you live with other people
Whenever it's an option, I prefer to play video games on a bigger screen, whether that's a television or a computer monitor. I also prefer to utilize a controller. As such, my first inclination is to say that I prefer home consoles over handheld.

That said, there are a number of games that I enjoy that are exclusively handheld, and after taking my 3DS and Switch with me on trips at different points, I've come to appreciate portability. Granted, just like at home I still played the Switch docked while at my destination instead of playing it handheld, but I still liked being able to bring it with me and having access to its games. I don't really have worthwhile public transportation around here and don't really have downtime when out and about to get much use out of a handheld's portability, so for me it's like 8 times out of 10 a sub-optimal way to play when compared to playing on a big screen, but when it's applicable like on a trip, it's quite nice.

I'll still give my vote to home consoles, but it's not necessarily a clear cut.
I love playing games (by myself) in handheld mode, however, I really enjoy playing local co-op/multiplayer (and also online multiplayer, but that's irrelevant here), so it's important to me that I have a console that has the ability to do so!

I'm not super concerned about the power of the device. Dual handheld/home consoles like the Switch are ideal, even though I've rarely taken my Switch outside my house. 😊