Happy 1st Anniversary, New Horizons!!! - Share your fondest memories🎈🎁🍰

Home sweet home a year ago versus now! I remember choosing that spot for my tent because I thought the patch of 'flowers' was really pretty, and had no idea they were the new and improved weeds, hahaha. And I was clearly still getting to grips with wasps 🙈


Wow, can’t believe it’s been a year! Happy Anniversary everyone and thanks for a fun year 🎉

Things have changed a lot. This is my first pic and it seems so long ago. I had no clue what I was going to do with my island (still haven’t but it has more stuff around 😂) The fun started when we got new hairstyle and I could get my signature pink ponytail 😍 Funny how everyone looks very similar in all the early pictures 🙂

The year went fast but it’s been a fun year, I still have a lot of pictures from them.

Celebrating our island

Buck and Flo my first islands friends. Flo is still here. my island map is the the corner.


My tent

The first DIY from a villager was the Leaf Umbrella.

My map now
While I still love the game, I think those first few weeks were so fun. All my friends were still playing, and everything was new and a surprise. I do still have my first 2 villagers, Pashmina and Tank 🖤

Super excited to see what the game looks like at the 2 year mark now!
I have a lot of fond memories but I think receiving my first photo, from Fauna, is among the best moments. Also, when Kidd showed up as the first smug in the campsite, I didn't like him that much but after playing the game and interacting with him, I came to love the smug personality. Then I adopted more smug guys and learned that Kidd is not unique but he's still got a special place in my memories of the game.
When the game was finally released on this day 1 year ago my enthusiasm was off the charts. However, as the weeks passed my excitement began to diminish. And now 1 year later I rarely play the game.
Oh man... I remember how hyped I was at the release day! I was so excited and when I first opened the game it really felt like a new adventure! Time flies by and now it’s a feeling of coming home (cheesy i know) I did take a break for half a year because I got a bit bored but now I’m back and excited to decorate my island!
I was so excited about this game, seeing which animals I got etc. I still love it, and it means a great deal to me, because its got me through a really tough year. WW will always have a special place in my heart for being my first AC game, but I think NH definitely joins it for me, because of how special it has been to me this year.

On a lighter note, I think getting my absolute favourite animal, Lily, has to be my highlight. I was so happy to see her on an island when I went hunting for her.
first photo vs my most recent photo.. doesn't show a ton of change on my island lmao but i wanted to recreate it


like everyone else i think the first few weeks of figuring it all out and everything like that are probably my fondest memories. i finished school early (and for the last time that academic year) and just got home as fast as i could to set up my island!! and then during those weeks of online i'd just be grinding whenever i had a break (as well as when i didn't). I also loved redoing areas of my island as I started to understand terraforming and everything better!
I've decided I'm resetting today
My second island that is

Going to play properly as if it was day 1 all over again. Just sad to see Raymond vanish for good.
No space for him on my main island. No online for that switch to give him away. Sad times.

But on to new adventures.

All this nostalgia has me hyped to go!
I've decided I'm resetting today
My second island that is

Going to play properly as if it was day 1 all over again. Just sad to see Raymond vanish for good.
No space for him on my main island. No online for that switch to give him away. Sad times.

But on to new adventures.

All this nostalgia has me hyped to go!
well good luck to you I have no plans to reset my Island since I worked so hard on it and I'm keeping the way it is but have fun with your new island
Happy anniversary!

I love this game so much. Here’s a few changes in my game/island:


Shoutout to the villagers that are still with me since the beginning: Kiki, Paolo, Renée and Whitney and to the ones that have joined, Stu, Dottie, Billy, Wart Jr, Greta and Graham.


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well good luck to you I have no plans to reset my Island since I worked so hard on it and I'm keeping the way it is but have fun with your new island
Thanks :D
Yeah I would never be able to restart my main island. Its far too precious to me! But my second island has so many unfinished projects and areas I don't know what to do with I dont mind toooo much losing all those hours of effort.

I'm mostly sad about losing raymond and dom haha
Happy Anniversary everyone! Fondest memories is just learning everything on my own having never played before. Wondering what all the eggs were for?
My fondest memory....

It was March 19th 2020. My daughter and I downloaded the game. We didn't know the download would take over three hours. We were so excited to play, so we stayed up until 2:00 am. We wondered who our starting villagers would be. She wanted Bisket, I DIDN'T want Shari. Finally, the game was ready to play. We got to choose how our characters would look when they got off the plane. I didn't realize that they gave more options other than skin tone. She walked off the plane all adorable with cute eyes and hair. My character had hair I didn't like and big bug eyes. Not exactly the entrance I envisioned. We played until 6:00 am.

We finally got to see our starting villagers. She got Dom, I got Kid Cat. Can you guess who else we got? SHARI !!! We both had Shari. What were the odds of me getting the villager I was hoping NOT to get? One year later, and we both have kept the silly monkey in our towns. I can't imagine my Island without her.

My daughter goes to collage and lives 2 hours away. This was during the lock downs, so she was visiting for quite a while because the dorms were closed.
I had bought us both journals and stickers so we could scrapbook our New Horizons adventures. I didn't know if she would like it, or think it was silly. I was so happy to find that she absolutely loved it. We catch up on our journals every time she visits.

My son lives 6 hours away, and he too purchased the game. I hadn't seen him in a while and during the entire lock down, I was able to play with both of my children at the same time. I truly feel like Horizons was such a blessing during such a tough time.
Happy anniversary everyone! My fondest memory is how amazing it was to discover the game for the first time, not knowing what would happens next, it was so great! I loved the atmosphere of the early days, when the island is so natural... I'm missing it!
My first screenshot ever, of my first island:

I'm still sometime regretting that I reset this island last September, I was really attached to my villagers but it's too late for regrets now and I really like my current island, I hope we will have better updates and some new additions to the game this year!