Happy 1st Anniversary, New Horizons!!! - Share your fondest memories🎈🎁🍰

Happy Anniversary everyone! This game has truly surpassed all my expectations and has made this past year soooo much better. I remember getting this game in the mail and rushing to my Switch to play it. The second I turned it on and saw Timmy and Tommy followed by that flyover of my island, I knew this was going to be my Game of the Year

(I still really like my starting outfit😅)
Happy anniversary!
I have no pics I can access but I really do miss when I first got the game and played for hours every day in March and April.
I also miss summer, it all felt so new and refreshing.
Happy Anniversary! My fondest memories of the game was literally being too excited the night before the release of the game that I couldn't sleep, as well as spending the days running around my island as it first started, planning out how the buildings would be placed and everything. I also remember going online and visiting my friends, giving them the many duplicate DIYs I had.
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Happy anniversary New Horizons! It feels like it was today that I bought the game and being really excited about it. I'm glad I was able to capture some screenshots during the first few days of gameplay. Here are two photos of my island compared to one year ago today.

Before in March 20th, 2020

After in March 20th, 2021

I didn't really terraform my island because I'm pretty content with my layout. I'll put more pictures in a spoiler of the first few days playing. There's a reason why I'm wearing the tulip hat.
Diva and Sterling were my two starters. They're still with me with their simple house interiors

I kinda miss this dialogue...

Me and my sister doing couch co-op

Sterling gave me a tulip hat. I was shocked as to how villagers notice the gifts they give to you
This is so cute! I don't have map pictures unfortunately but here are some before and after shots!

This was the first screenshot I ever took in this game. I tried recreating it but I don't think those same trees exist in that spot anymore.

Plucky's house!

Billy's house!

And my house! Forgive the slight difference, I couldn't use the camera app for today's picture because there's a big cedar tree right in the way lol.

And next, I did something special for the anniversary!
I made a special area to commemorate every villager I've had on my island! Each villager is represented by an item that I felt embodies them to some extent.

Plucky, a starter: palm tree lamp.
Billy, a starter: tire chair.
Carrie, first normal: painting set.
Wendy, first peppy: blue glittery megaphone.
Tucker, first lazy: coprolite.
Lucha, forced camper. I tend to try to forget his existence, but I thought in the spirit of the day I'd include him: ringside bell.
Phil, found on an island (and effectively replaced Lucha): agrias butterfly model.
Miranda, first snooty: heart stand.
Admiral, first cranky: pilot's cap.
Marina, a random move-in: pink colorful fishing rod.
Wade, Erik, and Papi, a bunch of lazies (I didn't realize just how many I had): south pole, sled, and springy horse, respectively.
Lily and Puddles, my two froggy gorls: lily record player and red balloon.
Coco and Cally, two recent normal move-ins: clay jug and flowery umbrella.
Grizzly, my most recent addition: axe.

And of course, my first gift from nintendo, the ACNH switch, and the most recent, the cake :)
I don’t have a lot of before and after shots, but here are a few that I like.

My character then and now.

Nook’s Cranny is still located in the same location.

And here’s my favorite spot. My museum area is still under construction, but I like how the entrance looks so far.

It has been quite a year ! It's the first game that my mom didn't mind me playing( she usually hates when I play video games xD) ! We made such fond memories and I'm so happy that we had fun 😍. Hope we get to play together again ❣
Happy first anniversary AC:NH! I had so many memories playing this game and I want to post a couple of screenshots here.

ACNH Beginning.jpeg
ACNH Anniversary 2.jpeg
The first week was magical... having my cousin come visit my island, going to hers... seeing my villagers walking around town with a donut... everything so bare and full of possibilities.

All the events were fun (some more than others, but I appreciate them all)... the weather and changing of seasons...

Happy Anniversary ACNH and thanks for all the fun. ☺ Still more to do and enjoy and looking forward to the next year.

The original gang. ☺️
I did most of my terraforming and decorating around May and onwards and didn't take many pictures before that sadly, but I grabbed some pictures from back then of areas that I thought were pretty complete but look much better now. The mush lamps and the rest of the mush furniture really changed how I designed my forest area, and the introduction of vegetables took my little turnip garden and turned it into a whole two part farm. My campsite isn't quite done yet but even that area is much fuller and more alive than it was this time last year.

While I don't have any pictures from my first few weeks on Nara Island, I remember that I was focused on trading to get all my dreamies at the time. Because of all the moving out and visiting houses that required I placed all the villager houses in two neat rows near the airport and the rest of my island was barren - now it's a fully functioning island complete with all the necessities a town could need (with the exception of a coffee shop of course).

I'm really happy with how my island has grown over the last year and I hop to see more growth in the year to come!




My fondest memory was actually from a couple months ago, when the community banded together to turn my island into a catalog island (complete with jump maze and placemarkers to indicate which set was where). I had never really friended anyone on my switch before, but suddenly I was a Supply Chain Manager for IKEA, planning and organizing the different areas of my island for new items and directing the shipments. It's alright: I stan spreadsheets.
I have a complete furniture catalog now, and I kind of miss the hunt with my friends. It was a great feeling, banding together for everyone's mutual benefit.