Happy 4th of July!

King Dorado

you can do anything
Aug 4, 2015
Rebel Gnome
Fossil Easter Egg
Ladybug Easter Egg
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg

since Red Cat is apparently on hiatus, i'll get this thread going in his stead.

post your freedom eagles here!

Happy 4th!

Since we don't celebrate it I'm just waiting for it to be a regular work day again so I can possibly order stuff lol :< Those days are the worst when trying to deal with companies hah.
What's that? I can't hear you over all this freedom. :cool:


Oh yeah, my family is taking a less traditional approach and going to see Wonder Woman and Cars 3 later (my dad's taking my 13-year-old brother and I to see Wonder Woman and my mom's taking my 4-year-old twin sisters to see Cars, just to clarify haha).
YAY happy Fourth everyone! Last night we lite most our fireworks, have more tonight to do though! (We live in the country lol)
I think you mean America Day
My dad's gonna be making some food later, might go out to the pool, and we'll be lighting sparklers/poppers tonight and watch fireworks
Looking forward to the fireworks!:cool:
Happy 4th!

Last night my parents and sister and I went to see Wonder Women (Ended past 12am, technically the 4th :p)

Tonight won't be much but my family is grilling burgers and hot dogs for dinner. I hope to see fireworks in my neighborhood after dark. OH, and John Cena! returns tonight on SmackDown live! :D

your yearly reminder

I died internally especially since I remember seeing some of those shows younger...
I went to this BBQ and pool party, I wanted to go to this park where they light up a bunch of fireworks but I think it's going to rain today w/ some thunder ;-;

I can't wait for all the fireworks. Whenever someone shoots them off too close to my house the lights flicker, gonna be a disco tonite bois.
Aaah, forth of july, the time of illegal fireworks.

Seriously, I'm tryin' to go to sleep, can the people outside chill for like, 5 minutes?

+1 for Blingee usage ;D

Happy 4th of July to all of my fellow Americans! :D Be safe!
I didn't do anything but sleep on my days off, thankfully our fireworks were on Sunday so on the 4th I just got to chill, but I was mega-depressed so I just slept, literally all day/night long.