p.s. Take note of Gruff in the middle pic (after he'd been dressed). He's a hint of things to come.
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This is probably my favourite picture of the game so far. xD Mostly because no one else had a death trap in their party popper.
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And these are all from my japanese version, that never got posted here. [So these are probably all miles away from what the villagers actually want]
Lolly's bowling alley, cause she's an alley cat.
Bertha the washerwoman, doing her laundry in the river.
Kabuki facing off in a shogi tournament.
Tia's cafe
With chef Wario, hating his life of eternal dish washing.
And Enter the Matrix, with Iggly.
FTR, if anyone cares, black eyes = Japanese pics, green eyes = English pics. ;D
Titanic hotel?
Your school is fabulous as always- I especially like the hallway. I can't manage to make mine look anything but offensively boring. I might steal your stairs idea. Also, the crickets come in wooden cages instead of plastic ones- they're a lot less exciting than scorpions but it might fit the aesthetic better?
Ha! Love the hotel idea, but nope! Haven't figured out what will happen in the hotel yet. I have other grand plans in the meantime.
Thanks for the cricket suggestion. That plastic bug box lid is doing my head in. Only kicker is that that section's supposed to be the Science of Poisons and crickets aren't very poisonous. :/ Still, for the sake of aesthetic continuity perhaps it needs to be a cricket. It could also maybe be a blowfish...hmm.
And oh stoppit being all self-deprecating. Your designs are delightful (I'm lookin' at you, curry house and crop circles!).
The absolute height of my creativity...
The gang goes to the cinema!
I love dressing these guys up, how cool does Cole look!?
Chevre lookin' serious as our bank manager.
More on my twitter!![]()
The last one looks more like a prison for money than a bank.![]()
You're probably right, haha. Maybe I've been playing too much GTA or something. :/
Edit: There, fixed it up a little. Less like a prison and more like a bank?