Harry Potter

The Chameleon

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2008
Throwback Tickets
I have read many books but none have had been more fascinating
then the Harry Potter series. Created by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter has
fascinated readers all over the world, including me.

Harry Potter revolves around a young wizard named Harry Potter who
is an orphan living with his nasty muggle(non-magic folk) uncle, aunt,
and cousin. He attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy with
his friends Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger. He is also friends with the
gentle and humorous giant Hagrid who first mentioned to him that he us a wizard.

Harry has all kinds of adventures at Hogwarts, learning new spells, playing
Quidditch, learning how to control monsters, creating potions,etc. He also
looks out for the most evil and feared wizard, the great Lord Voldemort.
Voldemort as we know it is so evil that mentioning his name out loud
is forbidden.

I remember reading the first Harry Potter book(Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone)
some time in early 1999. I first saw it and a book shop. It had such an interesting picture
on the front cover that I knew I must've found an interesting book. Once I read it, I was
instantly hooked. Later I read the second one(Chamber of Secrets) and then all the rest
when they were published.

Then sometime in early 2001, I saw a preview for the first Harry Potter film and I
couldn't believe it! I thought, "Harry Potter is being made into a film?!" When it debuted
in theatres, I was one of the hundreds of people waiting in line to buy ticket. I saw it with
my friends and family. Same thing for the other Harry Potter films.

Yes, I do have several Harry Potter products. A buddy of mine, who lived in London
for a few years sent me a Harry Potter collector's plate with a pic of Harry and his friends
in potion class with Professor Snape.

However Harry Potter has also been controverisal. Some zealous Christians think that the
books promote withcraft in children and a few libraries have banned the books for several
reasons. As an Atheist, I find this to be absurd. I know many people who are Christians and they
never thought of such poppycock. J.K. Rowling herself is a Christian.

Harry Potter will always be a favorite among fans. It has become so succesful that it has
made Rowling the first billionare author. The series may have ended but new fans will emerge
and the series will always be a favorite.
I won't state my opinion because it would start a flame war and we've had too many of those, but one thing for sure is that I'm glad they're done. And no, JK Rowling's is not a Christian, if she was, she wouldn't have told the muslims she's muslim or the atheists, she's atheist.
Bacon Boy said:
I won't state my opinion because it would start a flame war and we've had too many of those, but one thing for sure is that I'm glad they're done. And no, JK Rowling's is not a Christian, if she was, she wouldn't have told the muslims she's muslim or the atheists, she's atheist.
Wow. What kind of biased news source are you getting this from?
myself. She is, I've heard it on the news. She's announced she's an atheist, now a Christian, now a...
Bacon Boy said:
myself. She is, I've heard it on the news. She's announced she's an atheist, now a Christian, now a...
False. She is a Christian, but not a particularly religious one. She has never stated that she is a Muslim, atheist, or whoever else. And besides, who cares? She could be a scientologist for all I care, her books are fantastic. Anyone who complains about "witchcraft" is taking the novels out of context. They are fictional stories.
so? They're encouraging witchcraft. I knew a couple kids who read the books and tried witchcraft, one who is a witch.

And Bul, You can't be a Christian, yet not put Christianity into practice. Sure there are "good morals" but a real Christian would not write about witchcraft or even delve into it
Bacon Boy said:
so? They're encouraging witchcraft. I knew a couple kids who read the books and tried witchcraft, one who is a witch.

And Bul, You can't be a Christian, yet not put Christianity into practice. Sure there are "good morals" but a real Christian would not write about witchcraft or even delve into it
They are in no way encouraging witchcraft. Once again, they are fictional stories... or are you saying the witchcraft employed in Harry Potter is real? Someone who tries "witchcraft" after reading Harry Potter has no idea what they're doing. Or are you implying that if I utter some absurd incantation (avada kedavra!!!), I am practicing witchcraft....?
no, what I am saying is that kids think this stuff is cool. Do you remember commercials when they were selling the toy wands? The kids were having a good time shouting out spells. Well, some kid might think it looks cool and actually want to try it. So he might go buy a book on witchcraft and give it a try. Witchcraft is real, it is black magic which (not to sound religious) is Satanic and is not of God.
hmm to tell the truth i have never read any of the harry potter books but i have seen all the movies(the 1's that r out right now). to me i actually enjoy it but i don't yell out all of the spells aloud because it sounds kinda strange 0.o
Bacon Boy said:
no, what I am saying is that kids think this stuff is cool. Do you remember commercials when they were selling the toy wands? The kids were having a good time shouting out spells. Well, some kid might think it looks cool and actually want to try it. So he might go buy a book on witchcraft and give it a try. Witchcraft is real, it is black magic which (not to sound religious) is Satanic and is not of God.
Nope, not possible. A kid is not capable of learning real witchcraft just by reading a book... you'd have to be really naiive to believe that. I also believe in real witchcraft, but it is nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be. Toy wands and real spells have no correlation. One doesn't need a wand OR a spell to practice witchcraft.
No, but these things might encourage someone to ant to learn how to actually practice it. At first it might seem like just a fan base, but it's cultish. It is not simple, but someone young can be influenced easily by things like this, then later on, might want to try ACTUAL witchcraft.
Bulerias said:
Bacon Boy said:
no, what I am saying is that kids think this stuff is cool. Do you remember commercials when they were selling the toy wands? The kids were having a good time shouting out spells. Well, some kid might think it looks cool and actually want to try it. So he might go buy a book on witchcraft and give it a try. Witchcraft is real, it is black magic which (not to sound religious) is Satanic and is not of God.
Nope, not possible. A kid is not capable of learning real witchcraft just by reading a book... you'd have to be really naiive to believe that. I also believe in real witchcraft, but it is nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be. Toy wands and real spells have no correlation. One doesn't need a wand OR a spell to practice witchcraft.
I watched something on the news a few years back about the massive number of people who started delving into witchcraft because of the Harry Potter series. The number was astounding. And I'm talking serious witchcraft, not just toy wands.
Koehler said:
Bulerias said:
Bacon Boy said:
no, what I am saying is that kids think this stuff is cool. Do you remember commercials when they were selling the toy wands? The kids were having a good time shouting out spells. Well, some kid might think it looks cool and actually want to try it. So he might go buy a book on witchcraft and give it a try. Witchcraft is real, it is black magic which (not to sound religious) is Satanic and is not of God.
Nope, not possible. A kid is not capable of learning real witchcraft just by reading a book... you'd have to be really naiive to believe that. I also believe in real witchcraft, but it is nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be. Toy wands and real spells have no correlation. One doesn't need a wand OR a spell to practice witchcraft.
I watched something on the news a few years back about the massive number of people who started delving into witchcraft because of the Harry Potter series. The number was astounding. And I'm talking serious witchcraft, not just toy wands.
thank you for somewhat backing me up Koehler.
Bacon Boy said:
No, but these things might encourage someone to ant to learn how to actually practice it. At first it might seem like just a fan base, but it's cultish. It is not simple, but someone young can be influenced easily by things like this, then later on, might want to try ACTUAL witchcraft.
OK, by that logic, all negativity in media should be banned, because it might encourage someone to practice it. Violence in films/cartoons? Ban it, because it might encourage someone to commit crimes. Sexuality in the media? Ban it, because it could increase teen pregnancy rates.

...I can go on, of course. It's called censorship, something I am very against. The Harry Potter fanbase does not differ from Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. Sure, its fans may be a little more... zealous, but that doesn't make them evil.

Kids who are encouraged by Harry Potter to practice real witchcraft have no idea what real witchcraft is.
Bulerias said:
Bacon Boy said:
No, but these things might encourage someone to ant to learn how to actually practice it. At first it might seem like just a fan base, but it's cultish. It is not simple, but someone young can be influenced easily by things like this, then later on, might want to try ACTUAL witchcraft.
OK, by that logic, all negativity in media should be banned, because it might encourage someone to practice it. Violence in films/cartoons? Ban it, because it might encourage someone to commit crimes. Sexuality in the media? Ban it, because it could increase teen pregnancy rates.

...I can go on, of course. It's called censorship, something I am very against. The Harry Potter fanbase does not differ from Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. Sure, its fans may be a little more... zealous, but that doesn't make them evil.

Kids who are encouraged by Harry Potter to practice real witchcraft have no idea what real witchcraft is.
exactly and they should not be introduced to the idea. Movies like Chronicles of Narnia have always been about magic/witches being evil. And shows that base everything on sex are supposed to be censored by kids' parents. Kids shouldn't be introduced to ideas like these. Kids know that cartoons with violence isn't real because they could never do any of those things and they pretend. Didn't you ever pretend to be a superhero or someone with powers when you were young? That was based around moral values while Harry Potter is based around witchcraft.
Bacon Boy said:
Bulerias said:
Bacon Boy said:
No, but these things might encourage someone to ant to learn how to actually practice it. At first it might seem like just a fan base, but it's cultish. It is not simple, but someone young can be influenced easily by things like this, then later on, might want to try ACTUAL witchcraft.
OK, by that logic, all negativity in media should be banned, because it might encourage someone to practice it. Violence in films/cartoons? Ban it, because it might encourage someone to commit crimes. Sexuality in the media? Ban it, because it could increase teen pregnancy rates.

...I can go on, of course. It's called censorship, something I am very against. The Harry Potter fanbase does not differ from Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. Sure, its fans may be a little more... zealous, but that doesn't make them evil.

Kids who are encouraged by Harry Potter to practice real witchcraft have no idea what real witchcraft is.
exactly and they should not be introduced to the idea. Movies like Chronicles of Narnia have always been about magic/witches being evil. And shows that base everything on sex are supposed to be censored by kids' parents. Kids shouldn't be introduced to ideas like these. Kids know that cartoons with violence isn't real because they could never do any of those things and they pretend. Didn't you ever pretend to be a superhero or someone with powers when you were young? That was based around moral values while Harry Potter is based around witchcraft.
Oh, OK. Let's hide our children from evil and have them live in a holy bubble. I'm not saying we should expose children to evil, but they should be aware of its existence. But that's not the point -- Harry Potter does not encourage witchcraft.

Anyone who supposes that all witchcraft is evil is sorely mistaken. How about the concept of "white witches"? Or, do you suppose that all "magicians" in novels and stories are evil? So I guess the Good Witch of the North from The Wizard of Oz is evil, too.

Harry Potter is also based on morals. Maybe if you -- or a good part of the religious community -- actually read the books, they'd see that it's not encouraging witchcraft.
Bacon Boy said:
Koehler said:
The magic in Narnia and LOTR is used for different purposes than the HP series.
that is so true.
Again, have you actually read the books? There is good magic and evil magic in them... the fact that the main characters struggle regarding what magic to use shows their human side. The characters in Chronicles of Narnia are unrealistic. Some are pure good, some are pure evil. That never happens in real life.