Harry Potter

I agree 100% with Koehler and BB. there right its real its demons its scary. But lets not get any deeper into this flame war shall we?
Koehler said:
Koehler said:
dragonflamez said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
Then just throw some Holy Water at it and be done with it already, sheesh.
Witchcraft is 100% real. (with help from demons) You think real witches just dress up and parade around casting pretend spells to scare people? Many tribes in Africa have Witch Doctors who have entire civilizations gripped in fear. The spells they cast are real and have real effects on real people. Witchcraft is not a game. It has extremely serious and dangerous effects.
Sorry, but your post made me laugh a bit.
Meh, I don't care if you laugh. I know Bacon and I aren't the most popular members at TBT because of our religious views.
I don't hate anyone for religious views, I hate people when they start pushing them on other people or tell people how to live their lives, what they can read, what they can do, who they can marry, etc.
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?
Dragorium15 said:
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?

I was talking about the books.

Aren't most book too predictable? It works both ways xD
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?

I was talking about the books.

Aren't most book too predictable? It works both ways xD
No they aren't.

Most books I read lead you off into other directions, making you think the exact opposite of what's going to happen. The Harry Potter books are an exception.
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?
There was a harry poter T.V show? :O
If you actually read other posts, you'd realize he made a mistake. >_>
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?
There was a harry poter T.V show? :O
I was talking about the movies ;P

EDIT: I guess you know more than me about books, I never read them XD I assumed they was the same as what most story lines on TV are nowadays.
Dragorium15 said:
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
Dragorium15 said:
After about the first 4, they just got dumb.

The ending of the last was all too predictable and everything leading up to it was hardly that exciting.
Isn't most TV too predictable?
There was a harry poter T.V show? :O
If you actually read other posts, you'd realize he made a mistake. >_>
>.> oh... I thought so...
well, I'll make your day then, DF. Witchcraft is as real as you and everyone else. It lives in this world as a terror and a menace. You guys aren't the only ones who know a thing or two about witchcraft. I haven't delved into it, but I've studied other religions such as Paganism, Atheism, Witchcraft, Jewish and Hebrew, and even Muslim. There are two tactics of witchcraft.

#1. Convincing
One of the tactics of witchcraft is how the "witches" scare people. When they over convince people by continuing with the same "enchantment, crystal ball sight, etc." That works 90% of the time. Just like when people say they will have bad luck if you don't pass on a chain letter. You convince yourself that you're not gonna have good luck, or the spell will work, and your mind will make every option you have seem like a bad luck scheme or a way to make this incantation into real life.

#2. Actual Witchcraft
Satan gives his demons the abilities to give powers to willing human beings, but the powers come at a cost - the person's soul. In the Bible, there was a woman who was possessed by a demon, and the demon gave her the power to see into the future, but it also tormented her. She was a slave as well, and her masters used her to make money off of her visions. Well one day, Paul was teaching where she was and he saw her telling future. He walked up to her and demanded the demon to leave her and it did. The masters came out and were furious because they were lazy and she provided for them. But the slave was grateful because she had been freed. The witchcraft is real, but it comes at a price. It is very dangerous and very evil, which is why I want to express this as much as possible.
Seriously, you actually believe this stuff?
Open you eyes, man. Christians can still be good people without an evil foil. :/
Good cannot exist without evil. Evil is the absence of God, and good comes from God. Therefore, good cannot exist without evil. If there was no evil, there would be no use to name something good, it would be called life. Now, evil is life, and the few that are good are outcasted as weirdos or religious people even if they practice no religion. Witchcraft IS real, no matter how much people don't want it to be real. It is, face the bold faced facts DF, it is real.
Dragorium15 said:
Give me actual proof of someone performing magic and I will believe you.

Until then, no.
Dragorium... let me ask you something. Do you believe everything that happened in your history book?