The thing about anime is true, but it's kind of true with anything, a lot of people make the mistake of copying an artist's style that they really, really like. The problem with this is that styles are usually exaggerated forms of life around us, and if you don't understand how something works, you can't break the "rules" so to speak, don't know what those rules are. So if you're serious about art, draw what you see, not what someone else has already drawn. If you're just doing this as a hobby, look up tutorials on deviantART, there's some great resources there for anatomy, coloring, shading, anything you can think of.
As for critique, here are my first thoughts. It looks like it's been drawn with MS paint. It's very pixellated. If that's the intent, that's fine, there's nothing specifically wrong with MS paint if that's what you're going for. Paint Tool Sai is a nice, cheaper alternative to Photoshop, where you can use a tablet and it's really cool because you can paint and create stable, smooth lineart with it. As for colors, they're okay. The shading needs a lot of work. I would suggest looking up lighting tutorials for how to see how light and color interact with one another.
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Usually the trial is free, think it costs around $70.