The Official Twitter Account has been updating with news and videos. There's quite a few videos on there that give us a look at some of the features and locations, as well as the Spring, Summer, and Fall season themes. They haven't posted any Winter videos yet.
Kinda wished they would make a remake of Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life.
I never played Friends of Mineral Town but it sounds interesting. I may check it out.
Also, I thought 'Harvest Moon' is now 'Story of Seasons'? Or did I misunderstood something?
Is this true? I?m excited but at the same time sceptical. I hope it doesn?t have the trashy art styles the new Harvest Moons have. The game boy sprite work on mineral town is tough competition.
I think the people who make the Story of Seasons games are working on this one, and I've already seen some of the sprites and they don't look like the ones from the latest harvest moon games. They're actually pretty cute.
Marvelous released a new "Friends of Mineral Town" remake trailer yesterday here:
The new marriage candidates are Juniper and Brandon. Both appear in the trailer.