Has anybody else had a villager that just won’t move out?!


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2020
I’ve been TTing all day to get a specific villager to move out but they haven’t asked once, whereas everyone else has asked at least twice/three times at this point.

I’ve spoken to them on numerous occasions and they aren’t my newest villager either. I know it’s random and luck which villager pings to move, but I’ve never had it take this long before. 🤔
OMG the villager has just pinged me to move out. HONESTLY 😂 all day and they want to move out after I make a thread complaining. Typical!! I hope this gives everyone else hope who may be stuck trying to TT out a villager 😂
Teddy will not move out. I've been ignoring him and refusing interaction like its advised, but everyone else except for Teddy seems to want to move out :v A friend wants him so I'm trying to move him out for her and he's just so attached to my island apparently lol
ALL of my villagers won't move out lol I don't want Chief or Fauna to leave, but nobody (not even them) have asked to leave. It's getting frustrating
Yes, I want a bunch of them to move out (Teddy, Renée, Hornsby) asap so I can search for my dream villagers...But the only one who asked me to move out is one of my favorite ones.......
Bruh Rocket just won't leave. I've been ignoring her for days. Funny how when I always talk to Flora, Coco, Axel, and Marshal, the ones who I want to STAY, are all like 'yo Kylie time for me to blow this popsicle stand' ughhh
Boomer and Jacques ;-; I had them since beginning. Part of my first 5 villagers. I also did not know you can inv from the island so i got random move ins. They have NEVER pinged to leave and I never talk to them. ;-;