Has anyone bought amiibo cards yet? Who did you get?

I ordered a five pack set of cards from Amazon. C: They're the Japanese ones, but they're supposed to work. Guess I'll find out tomorrow~

Isabelle came packed in with the game, which was awesome. She's so cute!

Lucky, you got pretty good cards
Just got my cards today! {though have to wait for the 2nd to play >.<}

no dupes, and have 2 packs of NA cards on their way, as well as the one EU pack that comes with my bundle, so I'm hoping for Henry D:



and sorry for my bad images, my table was to small and there were to many >.<
Here are my cards. I love them all. Some are imported from Japan, and some are US cards. I have three more packs (18 cards) coming from Wal-Mart this week.

I got my cards from Wal-Mart this afternoon, and guess what, I finally got ISABELLE!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, my life is complete. LOL!! I am so happy.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I ordered a five pack set of cards from Amazon. C: They're the Japanese ones, but they're supposed to work. Guess I'll find out tomorrow~

They do work! I got the five pack set from Amazon too. They are identical except the name is in Japanese on the card. In the game, it translates the name into English even though it is in Japanese on the card.
I will offer my soul for Kyle, Cheif, Walker

I will literally trade any cards I get when they arrive in Europe for them.
Just got my cards today! {though have to wait for the 2nd to play >.<}

no dupes, and have 2 packs of NA cards on their way, as well as the one EU pack that comes with my bundle, so I'm hoping for Henry D:



and sorry for my bad images, my table was to small and there were to many >.<

Ah!! You have the two I wanted the most lol! Kiki and Punchy! I also want Saharah, Pascal, Pudge. :) then again, I guess I want them all! lol.

Here are the ones I got today:



I'm happy I got Roscoe and Cole, who shares the same birthday with my best guy friend that I have a crush on (yeah, I know that's a silly reason to like the card or villager lol) :p, and Bob because he's a cat ^_^, and Lopez because I like his name and design. Actually, I'm happy with all of them ~ maybe not Pancetti since I had her as a camper to my town and I did not like her lol.
Ah!! You have the two I wanted the most lol! Kiki and Punchy! I also want Saharah, Pascal, Pudge. :) then again, I guess I want them all! lol.

Here are the ones I got today:

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View attachment 148885

I'm happy I got Roscoe and Cole, who shares the same birthday with my best guy friend that I have a crush on (yeah, I know that's a silly reason to like the card or villager lol) :p, and Bob because he's a cat ^_^, and Lopez because I like his name and design. Actually, I'm happy with all of them ~ maybe not Pancetti since I had her as a camper to my town and I did not like her lol.

I had to buy my Kiki on ebay >< at first I only wanted bluebear and flurry, but now I'm addicted ahh

If I get kiki or punchy again in the 3 packs that should be arriving next week I'll let you know! I don't need doubles so I plan to give any I get away to people who are interested ^-^ {though I'm hoping not all my packs will be who I currently have ><}

Opened 4 packs today from amazon my dupes so far are harriet 3 cole biff gigi bluebear
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I had to buy my Kiki on ebay >< at first I only wanted bluebear and flurry, but now I'm addicted ahh

If I get kiki or punchy again in the 3 packs that should be arriving next week I'll let you know! I don't need doubles so I plan to give any I get away to people who are interested ^-^ {though I'm hoping not all my packs will be who I currently have ><}

Hehe. Yeah, I didn't think I'd want more than a few, but now that I'm physically holding them...lol. Aw, that's nice of you. If I get any duplicates, I might do that too. :)
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I recently purchased a new pack of cards from work. And I got Cherry and Benjamin! I think they're such cuties. :)
I got my six packs from Nintendo today and just opened them up, alongside my Japanese cards I have:
Isabelle (Japanese)
Tom Nook (His European card is funny as they have the characters name in 4 different languages on there, all his say Tom Nook)
DJ KK (Japanese)
Digby (x2, one Japanese)
Luna (x2, one Japanese)
Lyle (Japanese)
Portia (Japanese)
Sheldon/no.31 (Japanese so unsure of his name)
No.35 (Japanese so unsure of his name)
Patty (Japanese)
No.51 (Japanese so unsure of her name)
Limberg (x2, one Japanese)
Deena (Japanese)
Amelia (Japanese)
No.85 (Japanese so unsure of her name)
Clay (Japanese)

The only doubles I have right now are Digby, Luna and Limberg, with one in English and the other Japanese. Just as a note I am NOT trading my Japanese cards as they were a gift from one of my friends, but any European doubles I will be trading and/or selling. I am going to pick up some more packs from my local Game tomorrow, I have ?45 max to splash out on them, I tweeted the store to ask if they had any available for people who preordered and they confirmed they had a box or so so I have no worries hopefully, if not I'll run to Argos and Smyths to see if they have any...

Also for anyone curious I am keeping my cards in a little jewellery box I got for my Birthday until I get my binder, a clear plastic one which has plastic inserts to put my own front and back covers in.

my imgur album of my haul
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My brother and I both bought the game, and there were amiibo cards inside. I got Digby, and my brother got Timmy.
I managed to pick up 2 more packs from my local Game, bit annoyed about that as they did have a whole box for non-preorder customers, but this poop head (I want to call him something worse but there are children here) who was in front of me in the queue was going to buy ALL OF THEM! But luckily he was short a tenner and I snagged the last 2 while he tried to persuade the till person to give him a 'bulk discount', he got a bit pissy with me but I left before he could try anything... I might try and order some more direct from Nintendo or somewhere else...

In these 2 packs I got:
Lottie (duplicate)
Lionel (dupe)
I bought three packs and I ended up with:

- Isabelle, Sable, and Pascal
- Bob, Mint, Willow, Roald, Kiki
- Yuka, Bella, Flo, Deli, T-Bone
- Al, Cyrano, Sheldon, Nate, Bertha

My favorite card is the Pascal card, then Bob's card. :)
Yep I got a few off ebay, and I got a pack the other day at gamestop. I also got Sahara with my game. I also have 3 packs coming to me from Target in the mail. They ended up giving me free shipping because the store I picked to pick them up at did not have them in stock.

My gamestop pack came with


On ebay I got

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also forgot to mention that I spoke to the guy at gamestop and he said these cards are wicked hard to get and find. They have been sold out almost every where and he wasn't even sure when they would be getting more. People have been going into Target and buying up all their stock and same thing as walmart and selling them on amazon and ebay for like $$ more than what they cost.

I just seen a listing on ebay for an auction for 85 of the cards and it sold for $136 bucks.
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I picked up a pack while buying the game today (goddamn you late European release!) and I got Isabelle, Clyde and Deli. Proably gonna pick up another pack soon though!
I just got the game today and I had ordered 1 pack from the same place I got the game. I also decided to drop by my local Gamestop where I bought 2 cardpacks. Gamestop had only gotten 6 packs in all.
The cards I got are
Digby (came with the game)