Mayor Charlotte
Charlotte ♔
I'm only interested in getting Flurry, Chief, Diana and maybe Fauna plus some of the special cards from Series One!
Here are my cards. I love them all. Some are imported from Japan, and some are US cards. I have three more packs (18 cards) coming from Wal-Mart this week.
I ordered a five pack set of cards from Amazon. C: They're the Japanese ones, but they're supposed to work. Guess I'll find out tomorrow~
Just got my cards today! {though have to wait for the 2nd to play >.<}
no dupes, and have 2 packs of NA cards on their way, as well as the one EU pack that comes with my bundle, so I'm hoping for Henry D:
and sorry for my bad images, my table was to small and there were to many >.<
Ah!! You have the two I wanted the most lol! Kiki and Punchy! I also want Saharah, Pascal, Pudge.then again, I guess I want them all! lol.
Here are the ones I got today:
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I'm happy I got Roscoe and Cole, who shares the same birthday with my best guy friend that I have a crush on (yeah, I know that's a silly reason to like the card or villager lol), and Bob because he's a cat ^_^, and Lopez because I like his name and design. Actually, I'm happy with all of them ~ maybe not Pancetti since I had her as a camper to my town and I did not like her lol.
I had to buy my Kiki on ebay >< at first I only wanted bluebear and flurry, but now I'm addicted ahh
If I get kiki or punchy again in the 3 packs that should be arriving next week I'll let you know! I don't need doubles so I plan to give any I get away to people who are interested ^-^ {though I'm hoping not all my packs will be who I currently have ><}